Brucella sRNA

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deep sequencing study 1321 sRNAs were identified in B. melitensis.[3] BSR0441 sRNA was further investigated in this study and shown to play role in the intracellular survival. sRNA BM-sr0117 from Brucella melitensis was identified and shown to be bound to and cleaved by Bm-RNase III.[4] AbcR and AbcR2 (orthologs of SmrC15 and SmrC16) were studied B. abortus.[5] Seven novel sRNAs were validated and their interaction with a putative target sequence was verified in B. abortus.[6]

RNA chaperone Hfq link to Brucella virulence

Hfq protein regulates virB operon which is required for full virulence of the bacteria. It can bind to 5' untranslated region of virB transcriptional regulator BabR and mediate its effects on babR expression.[7]

See also
