Cadre management in the Soviet Union

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Stalin's slogan "Cadres decide everything!"[1]

In modern Russian language, the word "cadre" is synonymous with the term

Communist Party, and the management of the cadre of the Party itself. Over time this evolved into the system of nomenklatura.[3]

Cadre of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Over time, the cadre of the Russian Communist Party and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union were managed by special departments: Uchraspred of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Party (1919-1924), Orgraspred, Orgburo, and Sekretariat.

Bureaucracy in other spheres

During the initial period of the formation of the Soviet State, the governmental bureaucracy was not predominantly

dictature of the proletariat, only 2.4% of the staff of central state agencies were former workers in 1922.[4]

See also


  1. human resources department


  1. ^ Stalin's 1935 speech, in which the expression "Кадры решают все!" originated
  2. ^ Гимпельсон Е. Г. Советские управленцы. 20-е годы, рук. Кадры гос. Аппарата СССР] // РАН. Ин-т Рос. Истории. М. , 2001. 225 pp (book review)
  3. ^ Гимпельсон Е.Г. Формирование советской политической системы: 1917-1923 гг М.: Наука, 1995. — 232 с.
  4. ^ Book review of Gimpelson's Sovetskie upravlentsy

Further reading