Combinatorial commutative algebra

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Combinatorial commutative algebra is a relatively new, rapidly developing mathematical discipline. As the name implies, it lies at the intersection of two more established fields, commutative algebra and combinatorics, and frequently uses methods of one to address problems arising in the other. Less obviously, polyhedral geometry plays a significant role.

One of the milestones in the development of the subject was

Upper Bound Conjecture for simplicial spheres, which was based on earlier work of Melvin Hochster
and Gerald Reisner. While the problem can be formulated purely in geometric terms, the methods of the proof drew on commutative algebra techniques.

A signature theorem in combinatorial commutative algebra is the characterization of

g-conjecture, which was resolved in 2018 by Karim Adiprasito

Important notions of combinatorial commutative algebra

See also


A foundational paper on Stanley–Reisner complexes by one of the pioneers of the theory:

  • .

The first book is a classic (first edition published in 1983):

Very influential, and well written, textbook-monograph:

Additional reading:

A recent addition to the growing literature in the field, contains exposition of current research topics: