Compendium (disambiguation)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Compendium may refer to:

  • Compendium, a Wikipedia article defining the word 'compendium'.
  • Compendium Books, a London bookstore specialising in experimental literary and theoretical publications.
  • Compendium of Chemical Terminology
    , a book published by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
  • Compendium Maleficarum, a witch-hunter's manual written in Latin by Francesco Maria Guazzo, and published in Milan, Italy in 1608.
  • Compendium of Materia Medica
    , a Chinese medical book written by Li Shizhen during the Ming Dynasty.
  • Compendium of postage stamp issuers (F), a collection of entries about stamp issuers beginning with the letter 'F'.
  • Compendium of postage stamp issuers (J), a collection of entries about stamp issuers beginning with the letter 'J'.
  • Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
    , a catechism promulgated for the Catholic Church by Pope John Paul II in 1992.
  • Compendium (software), a computer program and social science tool that facilitates the mapping and management of ideas and arguments.
  • Compendium: The Best of Patrick Street, a year 2000 compilation album by the Irish folk band Patrick Street.