Costea of Moldavia

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Costea was a Moldavian grand

Initially it has been thought that he ruled between 1373 and 1374.

Also he was believed by some to have been born in

Basarab I's ruling family.[citation needed] More recent studies including genetic testing have clarified that he is the father of voievodes Peter II (1375–1391) & Roman I (1392–1394).[2][3]

He was married to Margareta (Mușata), a

, all of them ruling in succession after Lațcu's death (Margareta's brother).

In a document from 1392 it is said that his wife, Margareta Mușata, the daughter of

Bogdan I, the founder of the House of Bogdănești (or Mușat), built the Catholic church of Saint John the Baptist in the city of Siret
, where she was interred. Costea is interred in St Nicholas Church of Bogdana Monastery in Rădăuți, Romania.


  1. ^ Lia și Adrian Bătrâna, Biserica Sfântul Nicolae din Rădăuți, Editura Constantin Matasă, Piatra Neamț, 2012