Czech Biomass Association

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Czech Biomass Association (CZ Biom -

European Biomass Association
. [1] [2] [3] [4]


  1. ^ "Mezinárodní týden kompostování otevře veřejnosti provoz kompostáren. Nakopat si mohou i pytel kompostu" [International Composting Week open to the public operation of composting plants. They can also kick a bag of compost.]. (in Czech). Retrieved 2021-10-08.
  2. ^ Hosnedlová, Pavla (2021-02-26). "Unie se chystá na další zdanění uhlíku. Ve Švédsku už uhlíková daň funguje 30 let" [The Union is preparing for further carbon taxation. In Sweden, the carbon tax has been in place for 30 years.]. (in Czech). Retrieved 2021-10-08.
  3. ^ "Slavit může i Kateřina Jacques: Na spotřebu Česku by do konce roku stačila jen biomasa" [Kateřina Jacques can also celebrate: Only biomass would be enough for the Czech Republic's consumption by the end of the year.]. Blesk (in Czech). Retrieved 2021-10-08.
  4. ^ Zachová, Aneta (2021-03-04). "Německo uvalilo daň na topení zemním plynem. Měla by ji zavést celá EU, říká německý expert" [Germany has imposed a tax on natural gas heating. It should be introduced by the entire EU, says a German expert.]. (in Czech). Retrieved 2021-10-08.

External links