
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A demotion is a compulsory reduction in an

laid off, if the employee has poor job performance or if the company is facing a financial crisis. A move to a position at the same rank or level elsewhere in the organization is called a lateral move or deployment. A voluntary move to a lower level is also a deployment as it is not a compulsory reduction in level. Demotion is often misinterpreted simply as the opposite of a promotion
. However, it is only one means of undergoing a reduction in work level.


Within the continuum of disciplinary options available within most organizations, a demotion falls in the middle range of severity. Minor violations of rules, or the first violation of a rule will typically result in a verbal or written warning or a suspension without pay. At the other extreme, for severe violations of the rules, such as

(or demoted) to the lower division.

Other uses

The word demotion is not restricted to the world of employment; it can be used in a number of areas.

See also
