Eduard Drach

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Eduard Drach
Едуард Драч
  • lira
  • Eduard Drach (

    psalms in the Ukrainian historical folk style.[1][2][3][4][5]

    Drach was educated as a physician

    neurologist, his career in music notwithstanding. His first instrument was the violin. He went on to become a prize-winning singer-songwriter at numerous festivals, in particular the 1989 Chervona Ruta Festival

    Drach's musical styles include ballads, traditional folk songs, folk rock, folk jazz, and folk avant-garde. Apart from the violin, he also plays guitar, keyboards, bass guitar, mandolin, banjo,



    • Небо України (Nebo Ukrainy) (1994)
    • Двом Душам Дарується (Dvom dusham darujet'sia) (2005)
    • Про Славу І Багатство (Pro slavu y bahatstvo) (2011)
