Electron acceptor

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

An electron acceptor is a chemical entity that accepts electrons transferred to it from another compound.[1] Electron acceptors are oxidizing agents.

The electron accepting power of an electron acceptor is measured by its

redox potential.[2]

In the simplest case, electron acceptors are reduced by one electron. The process can alter the structure of the acceptor substantially. When the added electron is highly delocalized, the structural consequences of the reduction can be subtle. The central C-C distance in the electron acceptor

charge transfer complex


Paraquat, the dication on the left, functions as an electron acceptor, disrupting respiration in plants.


reaction center during photosynthesis. All organisms obtain energy by transferring electrons from an electron donor to an electron acceptor.[citation needed

One practical illustration of the role of electron acceptors in biology is the high toxicity of the paraquat. The activity of this broad spectrum herbicide results from the electron acceptor property of N,N'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridinium.[4]

Materials science

In some solar cells, the photocurrent entails transfer of electrons from a donor to an electron acceptor.[5]

See also


External links