Escuela de la Concordia

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The Escuela de la Concordia (

Republic of Ecuador


The society was inspired by the "Discourse to the Illustrious and Loyal City of Quito"

in 1789.

The society was founded two years later as the "Patriotic Society of the Friends of the Country" by 23

's first newspaper Primicias de la Cultura de Quito in 1792.

The group had expected royal approval but this was rejected via official decree on 11 November 1793.[1][b] The group ceased official activity shortly thereafter,[1] with Espejo's death ending the last of its operations by 1796.[2]


Name Occupation Location Notes
Miguel de Jijón and León 1st Count of Casa Jijón Quito 1st president
Juan José Guerrero and Matheu 5th Count of Selva Florida Quito 1st director
Eugenio de Santa Cruz y Espejo lawyer Quito 1st secretary
Francisco Javier Salazar lawyer Quito founding member
Francisco de la Graña clergyman Quito founding member
Sancho de Escobar writer Quito founding member
Ramón Yépez writer Quito founding member
Juan José Boniche writer Quito founding member
Juan Larrea writer Quito founding member
José de Cuero y Caicedo
José Antonio Pérez Calama
Juan Pío Montúfar 2nd Marquis of Selva Alegre Quito
Jacinto Sánchez de Orellana 2nd Marquis of Villa de Orellana Quito
Manuel de Larrea y Jijón 1st Marquis of San José Ibarra
Francisco Luis Héctor de Carondelet Baron de Carondelet Quito
Juan Pablo Arenas lawyer Quito
Javier de Ascázubi y Matheu lawyer Quito
Francisco Antonio Zea lawyer
Antonio Nariño soldier
Magdalena Dávalos y Maldonado magnate Riobamba
Pedro de Montúfar soldier Ibarra
Jacinto de Bejarano soldier Guayaquil


Although the School of Concord was short-lived, it has been remembered in

independence over the next few decades and transferred political power from the Spanish to local creole

See also


  1. ^ Fully, the "Discourse to the Very Illustrious and Very Loyal City of Quito, Represented by its Illustrious Cabildo, Judiciary, and Regiment and to All Gentlemen Resolved on the Erection of a Patriotic Society on the Necessity of its Establishment, Later, with the title of 'School of Concord'" (Spanish: Discurso dirigido a la muy ilustre y muy leal ciudad de Quito, representada por su ilustrísimo Cabildo, Justicia y Regimiento, y a todos los señores socios provistos a la erección de una Sociedad Patriótica, sobre la necesidad de establecerla, luego, con el título de “Escuela de la Concordia”).
  2. ^ The relevant text read that "Disapproving that you have begun the establishment of the aforementioned Society, Friends of the Country, without having earlier received my royal approval under the laws that prohibit such groups without this circumstance, I resolve that I command your exercise is suspended pending my royal determination" (Desaprobando hubieseis puesto en ejecución el establecimiento de la referida Sociedad amigos del país, sin que hubiese precedido mi Real aprobación con arreglo a las leyes que prohíben toda junta sin esta circunstancia, he resuelto que como os mando se suspenda su ejercicio hasta mi Real determinación.).



  1. ^ a b Rodríguez Castelo (1995), p. 143.
  2. ^ Federico González Suárez


  • "Ecuador" , Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th ed., Vol. VII, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1878, p. 649.
  • "Escuela de la Concordia", Enciclopedia del Ecuador, Especiales. (in Spanish)
  • Rodríguez Castelo, Hernán (1995), Eugenio de Santa Cruz y Espejo / Primicias de la Cultura de Quito, Quito: Colegio de Periodistas de Pichincha. (in Spanish)