Gheorghe Cardaș

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Gheorghe Cardaș (1899 – 1983) was a Romanian literary historian.

Born in

communist regime, Cardaș was imprisoned at Jilava and Gherla prisons.[1]

Cardaș' first published work consisted of folkloric texts that appeared in the Bârlad magazine Ion Creangă in 1916. He was an editor at Mișcarea literară (1924-1925), Albina (1921-1941) and the Buftea Revista Liceului Internat (1934-1939). His contributions appeared in Adevărul literar și artistic, Boabe de grâu, Convorbiri Literare, Cugetul românesc, Făt-Frumos, Manuscriptum, Mitropolia Olteniei, Neamul românesc pentru popor, Prietenii istoriei literare, Revista de etnografie și folclor, Revista istorică, Revista macedo-română, Universul literar, Vestitorul satelor and Viața Românească.[1]

Cardaș authored a compendium on the history of Romanian literature. He put together numerous anthologies with good judgment and philological rigor, prefacing them with detailed studies. He devoted a good part of his activity to document-based literary history. He was the first to publish two works by Ion Budai-Deleanu: the second variant of Țiganiada in 1925, and the poem Trei viteji in 1928. He supervised publication of document collections, alone (Documente literare, vol. I, 1971; vol. II, 1973) or together with I. E. Torouțiu (Studii și documente literare, vol. I, 1931). He also published collections featuring poems by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu and the tales of Ion Creangă and Petre Ispirescu.[1]
