Gonzalo Fernández of Castile

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Gonzalo Fernández
Count of Burgos
Fernán González

Gonzalo Fernández was Count of Burgos (ca. 899-915) and of Castile (c. 909-915).[citation needed]

Count of Burgos, supporter of monasteries

Recorded for the first time in 899 as Count of Burgos, soon the region expanded to the eastern mountain valleys enabling Gonzalo to make his fort base in Lara, thus stretching his rule from the foot of the Cantabrian Mountains around Espinosa de los Monteros to the river Arlanza, which therefore became the border with the neighbouring Muslim territories.[citation needed] In order to stretch his territory this far, he first had to displace the Muslim forces based at the stronghold of Carazo that dominated the area and access. This was achieved after a long and well contested struggle.[citation needed]

The valley of Lara was then the rallying point of the family that - years later - achieved through his son,

Jimenez dynasty.[citation needed
] His name appears for the first time in charter of the Monastery of ]

In 912, he took the main role in the Castilian offensive to the river Duero, settling the old villages of Haza, Clunia and San Esteban de Gormaz.[citation needed]

Count of Castile, death

Gonzalo Fernández appears as Count of Castile for the first time in a document of January 8, 914 and again on January 1, 915.[

Fernán González. They also had a son Ramiro.[citation needed

His remains were laid to rest in a vault at San Pedro de Arlanza, as Friar Antonio de Yepes registers in his "General Chronicle". He was succeeded in Burgos by his brother, Nuño Fernández.[citation needed]