Goravara Kunitha

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Goravara Kunitha is a traditional dance of

Mailara Linga
and the folk form Goravara Kunitha.


Deekshe to the boys belonging to

Mailara Linga. The guru or head of the Gorava clan blesses and accepts the boy into the sect. A woolen blanket is presented to the person upon his undertaking the Deekshe. Accessories such as Gante (jingle), Jolge (bag), Bandara (holy Turmaric powder), Betha (wooden stick), Dhone (bowl), Damaru
(small drum), and Pillangovi (flute) are worshipped and presented to him. These accessories are crucial for him to carry on his life as a Gorava. He is made to wear a red shirt and Kavade sara (cowries necklace) and then takes an oath to serve the Gorava and Kuruba faith.


Goravara Kunitha is a traditional dance with religious implication that is performed at festivals, local fairs and also upon invitation in the houses of devotees of lord

. As they dance they sit and eat the offerings laid out to them. They lie flat on their stomachs and eat the offering without touching it with their hands.

Public appearances

In public appearances the unruly behaviour exhibited in private appearances is avoided. they perform usually in groups of 10-12 people, they stand in a straight line, the senior most

. These stories are of epic proportions recited continuously and can go on for days.


Goravas have unique costumes. The costume is the main attraction of this folk form. A white or yellow

Panche/Kache and white full arm Juba are the basic clothing. the head is covered with a rumala, usually a white sari or Panche. The headgear is make of bearskin and placed on the Rumala. In the right hand Nagabetha(wooden stick) is held and in the left Pilangovi (flute). The forehead is smeared with Vibhuthi
and the eyes are marked with white and red circles to create a scary look.