HD 192699 b

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
HD 192699 b / Khomsa
87±37 º
Semi-amplitude49.3±2.1 m/s
StarHD 192699
Physical characteristics[2]
Mass≥2.096±0.093 MJ

HD 192699 b, also named Khomsa, is an

orbital distance more than that of Earth, the orbital period is less than a year, because the parent star is more massive than the Sun.[1]

The planet HD 192699 b is named Khomsa. The name was selected in the NameExoWorlds campaign by Tunisia, during the 100th anniversary of the IAU. Khomsa is a palm-shaped amulet that is popular in Tunisia.[4][5]

The existence of this planet around a 1.68 solar mass (M) star provides evidence for the existence of planetary systems around A-type main sequence stars.

See also


External links