Heritage (novel)

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Fear of the Dark

Heritage is a BBC Books original novel written by first time novelist Dale Smith and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Seventh Doctor and Ace.[citation needed]


The Seventh Doctor and Ace arrive on Heritage in the year 6048 to visit the Heyworths, who are old friends of the Doctor's. Nobody seems to want them on the planet, and certainly not poking their noses in. But they are stuck there until the next day. The Doctor doesn't want to get involved, but Ace can't help herself: by talking to Lee Marks she finds out that the Heyworths were murdered by the townsfolk, because they threatened to disrupt Professor Wakeling's experiments into cloning. Without the cloning technology, Heritage would have nothing going for it at all.

The Doctor suspects all this, and also that the Heyworth's surviving daughter Sweetness is a clone of her mother created by Professor Wakeling. What he doesn't tell Ace is that Sweetness's mother is his old companion

Melanie Bush

The Doctor confronts Wakeling and ruins his chances of announcing his discoveries to the universe. As Wakeling tries to take revenge on the Doctor, he is caught in a landslide and probably killed.


  • The story forms part of an ongoing story arc planned by
    Loving the Alien. This in turn feeds into a larger arc involving the apparent deaths of many of the Doctor's companions running through the Past Doctor Adventures and the Eighth Doctor Adventures
  • Following the events of Justin Richards's novel Sometime Never..., it is uncertain whether or not the events of Heritage take place as described, or whether Mel Bush is still alive. Dale Smith has stated that the novel contains a "get-out" clause for allowing Mel to still be alive.[1]
  • Although the novel's chapters provide specific dates for all of the action, the later novel
    retcons the action to take place several centuries earlier in an attempt to make the lack of stable cloning technology more acceptable. However, the author has pointed out that the novels states that Wakeling was not the first person to develop cloning technology, and that the era was chosen to tie in with the Doctor Who television serial The Invisible Enemy

Outside References


  1. ^ "Re: Sabbaths Allies: Original Plot". Outpost Gallifrey (registration required). 25 October 2005. Archived from the original on 30 September 2007. Retrieved 15 December 2006.
  2. ^ "Toby Hadoke's website". Toby Hadoke. Archived from the original on 12 October 2007. Retrieved 10 September 2007.

External links