Ignacio Carrera Pinto

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Captain Ignacio Carrera Pinto

Ignacio Carrera Pinto (February 5, 1848 – July 10, 1882) was a Chilean hero of the War of the Pacific. Carrera and his 77 men of the Fourth Company of Chacabuco are regarded in Chile as great heroes, and are commonly referred to as the "Héroes de la Concepción", after all were killed in the Battle of La Concepción.

Carrera was born in

Sierra Campaign

guerrilla war. Despite being greatly outnumbered and out of ammunition, the Chilean soldiers did not surrender. The last Chilean soldiers died charging the well-armed Peruvian army with only their bayonets

The Carrera family was one of Chile's most influential families and grew considerably in number. The bulk of the family remains in Santiago and the southern

Bio Bio Province
, although a portion emigrated to Sweden.

The Chilean one thousand peso banknote bears Ignacio Carrera's face.
