Lebesgue's decomposition theorem

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


σ-finite signed measures
and on a measurable space there exist two σ-finite signed measures and such that:

  • (that is, is
    absolutely continuous
    with respect to )
  • (that is, and are singular).

These two measures are uniquely determined by and


Lebesgue's decomposition theorem can be refined in a number of ways.

First, the decomposition of a regular

real line can be refined:[4]


Second, absolutely continuous measures are classified by the

) is an example of a singular continuous measure.

Related concepts

Lévy–Itō decomposition

The analogous[

Lévy–Itō decomposition: given a Lévy process X, it can be decomposed as a sum of three independent Lévy processes

See also


  1. ^ (Halmos 1974, Section 32, Theorem C)
  2. ^ (Hewitt & Stromberg 1965, Chapter V, § 19, (19.42) Lebesgue Decomposition Theorem)
  3. ^ (Rudin 1974, Section 6.9, The Theorem of Lebesgue-Radon-Nikodym)
  4. ^ (Hewitt & Stromberg 1965, Chapter V, § 19, (19.61) Theorem)


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