List of township-level divisions of Sichuan

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Location of Sichuan in China.

This is a list of

township-level divisions in the province of Sichuan, People's Republic of China (PRC).[1]


Location of Bazhong and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Bazhou District

Enyang District

Nanjiang County

Pingchang County

Tongjiang County


Location of Chengdu and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Chenghua District[2]

Chongzhou District[2]

Dayi County[2]

Dujiangyan City[2]


Jinniu District[2]

Jinjiang District[3]

Jintang County[2]

Longquanyi District[2]


Pidu District[2]

Pujiang County[2]

Qingbaijiang District[2]

Qingyang District[2]

Qionglai City[2]

Shuangliu District[2]

Wenjiang District[2]

Wuhou District[2]

Xindu District[2]

Xinjin District[2]


Location of Dazhou and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Dachuan District

Dazhu County

Kaijiang County

Qu County

Tongchuan District


Xuanhan County


Location of Deyang and its county-level areas in Sichuan.


Jingyang District

Luojiang District



Zhongjiang County

Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture

Location of Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Baiyü County[2]

Batang County[2]

Danba County[2]

Daocheng County

Dawu County[2]

Dêgê County[2]

Dêrong County[2]

Garzê County[2]

Jiulong County[2]


Litang County[2]

Luding County[2]

Luhuo County[2]

Sêrtar County[2]

Sêrxü County[2]

Xiangcheng County[2]

Xinlong County[2]

Yajiang County[2]


Location of Guang'an and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Guang'an District


Linshui County

Qianfeng District

Wusheng County

Yuechi County


Location of Guangyuan and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Cangxi County

Chaotian District

Jiange County

Lizhou District

Qingchuan County

Wangcang County

Zhaohua District


Location of Leshan and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Ebian Yi Autonomous County

Emeishan City

Jiajiang County

Jingyan County

Jinkouhe District

Mabian Yi Autonomous County

Muchuan County

Qianwei County

Shawan District

Shizhong District

Wutongqiao District

Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture[2]

Location of Leibo County within Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Butuo County

Dechang County

Ganluo County

Huidong County

Huili City

Jinyang County

Leibo County

Meigu County

Mianning County

Muli Tibetan Autonomous County

Ningnan County

Puge County


Xide County

Yanyuan County

Yuexi County

Zhaojue County


Location of Luzhou and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Gulin County

Hejiang County

Jiangyang District

Longmatan District

Lu County

Naxi District

Xuyong County


Location of Meishan and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Danleng County

Dongpo District

Hongya County

Pengshan District

Qingshen County

Renshou County


Location of Mianyang and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Anzhou District

Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County

Fucheng District


Pingwu County

Santai County

Yanting County

Youxian District

Zitong County


Location of Nanchong and its coounty-level areas in Sichuan.

Gaoping District

Jialing District


Nanbu County

Peng'an County

Shunqing District

Xichong County

Yilong County

Yingshan County


Location of Neijiang and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Dongxing District


Shizhong District

Weiyuan County

Zizhong County

Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture[2]

Location of Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Barkam (Ma'erkang City)

Heishui County

Hongyuan County

Jinchuan County

Jiuzhaigou County

Li County

Mao County

Ngawa County (Aba County)

Songpan County

Wenchuan County

Xiaojin County

Zamtang County (Rangtang County)

Zoigê County (Ruo'ergai County)


Location of Panzhihua in its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Dong District

Miyi County

Renhe District

Xi District

Yanbian County


Location of Suining and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Anju District

Chuanshan District

Daying County

Pengxi County



Location of Ya'an and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Baoxing County

Hanyuan County

Lushan County

Mingshan District

Shimian County

Tianquan County

Yingjing County

Yucheng District


Location of Yibin and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Changning County

Cuiping District

Gao County

Gong County

Jiang'an County

Junlian County

Nanxi District

Pingshan County

Xingwen County

Xuzhou District


Location of Zigong and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Da'an District

Fushun County

Gongjing District

Rong County

Yantan District

Ziliujing District


Location of Ziyang and its county-level areas in Sichuan.

Anyue County[2]

Lezhi County[2]

Yanjiang District[7]


  1. ^ ""中国" [China]" (in Chinese). 行政区划网站 [Administrative Divisions Website]. Retrieved 12 January 2018. 四川省 概览 成都市锦江区青羊区金牛区武侯区成华区龙泉驿区青白江区新都区温江区双流区金堂县郫县大邑县蒲江县新津县都江堰市彭州市邛崃市崇州市自贡市自流井区贡井区大安区沿滩区荣县富顺县攀枝花市东区西区仁和区米易县盐边县泸州市江阳区纳溪区龙马潭区泸县合江县叙永县古蔺县德阳市旌阳区中江县罗江县广汉市什邡市绵竹市绵阳市涪城区游仙区三台县盐亭县安县梓潼县北川县平武县江油市广元市利州区昭化区朝天区旺苍县青川县剑阁县苍溪县遂宁市船山区安居区蓬溪县射洪县大英县内江市市中区东兴区威远县资中县隆昌县乐山市市中区沙湾区五通桥区金口河区犍为县井研县夹江县沐川县峨边县马边县峨眉山市南充市顺庆区高坪区嘉陵区南部县营山县蓬安县仪陇县西充县阆中市眉山市东坡区彭山区仁寿县洪雅县丹棱县青神县宜宾市翠屏区南溪区宜宾县江安县长宁县高县珙县筠连县兴文县屏山县广安市广安区前锋区岳池县武胜县邻水县华蓥市达州市通川区达川区宣汉县开江县大竹县渠县万源市雅安市雨城区名山区荥经县汉源县石棉县天全县芦山县宝兴县巴中市巴州区恩阳区通江县南江县平昌县资阳市雁江区安岳县乐至县简阳市阿坝州马尔康市汶川县理县茂县松潘县九寨沟县金川县小金县黑水县壤塘县阿坝县若尔盖县红原县甘孜州康定市泸定县丹巴县九龙县雅江县道孚县炉霍县甘孜县新龙县德格县白玉县石渠县色达县理塘县巴塘县乡城县稻城县得荣县凉山州西昌市木里县盐源县德昌县会理县会东县宁南县普格县布拖县金阳县昭觉县喜德县冕宁县越西县甘洛县美姑县雷波县
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc "City Population - Population Statistics in Maps and Charts for Cities, Agglomerations and Administrative Divisions of all Countries of the World". Retrieved 2021-12-17.
  3. ^ 2010年第六次人口普查,锦江区常住总人口690422人,其中:督院街街道25687人,盐市口街道11211人,春熙路街道22216人,书院街街道48078人,合江亭街道45090人,水井坊街道27265人,牛市口街道46741人,龙舟路街道45260人,双桂路街道24384人,莲新街道59870人,沙河街道13710人,东光街道65616人,狮子山街道64826人,成龙路街道113750人,柳江街道52247人,三圣街道24471人。
  4. ^ 稻城县历史沿革 [Daocheng County Historical Development]. 行政区划网 (in Chinese). XZQH. 23 March 2015. Retrieved 25 November 2018. 2010年第六次人口普查,稻城县常住总人口31113人,其中:金珠镇7553人,香格里拉镇3031人,桑堆乡2580人,省母乡1712人,傍河乡1552人,色拉乡1785人,巨龙乡1957人,邓波乡980人,木拉乡1775人,赤土乡2665人,蒙自乡1961人,各卡乡806人,吉呷乡1442人,俄牙同乡1314人。
  5. ^ 行政区划 [Administrative Divisions]. 十堰市张湾区政府 (in Chinese). 稻城县人民政府. 12 July 2016. Archived from the original on 8 December 2020. Retrieved 22 November 2018. 稻城县辖三个片区工委(稻坝工委、贡岭工委、东义工委)十四个乡镇(金珠镇、傍河乡、色拉乡、省母乡、桑堆镇、巨龙乡、邓坡乡、赤土乡、木拉乡、香格里拉镇、蒙自乡、各卡乡、吉呷镇、俄牙同乡 )。
  6. National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China
    . 2017. Retrieved 25 November 2018. 统计用区划代码 名称 513337100000 金珠镇 513337101000 香格里拉镇 513337102000 桑堆镇 513337201000 省母乡 513337202000 傍河乡 513337203000 色拉乡 513337204000 巨龙乡 513337205000 邓波乡 513337206000 木拉乡 513337207000 赤土乡 513337209000 蒙自乡 513337210000 各卡乡 513337211000 吉呷乡 513337212000 俄牙同乡
  7. ^ "2019年统计用区划代码". (in Chinese). 2019. Retrieved 2020-06-16.