
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Mastorava (Масторава) is an

Erzya mythology and folklore by Aleksandr Sharonov, published in 1994 in the Erzya language, with a Moksha language
version announced.

The poem consists of five parts entitled "The Universe", "Antiquity", "King Tyushtya's Age", "The Heroic Age" and "The New Age".

Earth goddess
in Mordvin mythology. The name mastor-ava literally means "earth woman", mastor being the Mordvin for "earth, land".

In the Mastorava epic,

Oka to the Black Sea

In Erzya mythology, Tyushtya is a

thunder god and the mortal girl Litova. He changes his age every month, following the phases of the Moon

See also

  • Erzya native religion


External links