Maypan coconut palm

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Maypan is an

Malayan Dwarf seed parents, grown in an isolated seed garden and kept constantly emasculated, are regularly pollinated by blowing a mixture of talc and pollen collected from selected palms of a variety known locally as Panama Tall
. This combination gives the Maypan an LY disease resistance approaching that of the Malayan Dwarf and much of the windstorm tolerance of the Panama Tall. It grows to approximately 18 meters in height. The LY resistance of the Maypan, of both of its parents, and of other coconut varieties generally, has been called into question since the 1990s but Maypan, and F1 hybrids using the same types of parents, are still the planting material of choice in the Caribbean and Latin American countries where LY occurs.


  1. ^ Centre for Information on Coconut Lethal Yellowing (CICLY) Archived 2009-06-05 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ Harries, H.C. & Romney, D.H. (1974) Maypan: an F1 hybrid coconut variety for commercial production in Jamaica. World Crops 26, 110-111. (Reprinted: The Farmer 79(3) 57-60, 1974).
  3. ^ P.K. Thampan. 1981. Handbook on Coconut Palm. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co.