Monotone class theorem

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


𝜎-algebras. The theorem says that the smallest monotone class containing an algebra of sets
is precisely the smallest
containing  It is used as a type of
transfinite induction to prove many other theorems, such as Fubini's theorem.

Definition of a monotone class

A monotone class is a family (i.e. class) of sets that is closed under countable monotone unions and also under countable monotone intersections. Explicitly, this means has the following properties:

  1. if and then and
  2. if and then

Monotone class theorem for sets

Monotone class theorem for sets — Let be an algebra of sets and define to be the smallest monotone class containing Then is precisely the

generated by ; that is

Monotone class theorem for functions

Monotone class theorem for functions — Let be a

that contains and let be a collection of functions from to with the following properties:

  1. If then where denotes the indicator function of
  2. If and then and
  3. If is a sequence of non-negative functions that increase to a bounded function then

Then contains all bounded functions that are measurable with respect to which is the 𝜎-algebra generated by


The following argument originates in Rick Durrett's Probability: Theory and Examples.[1]


The assumption (2), and (3) imply that is a 𝜆-system. By (1) and the π−𝜆 theorem, Statement (2) implies that contains all simple functions, and then (3) implies that contains all bounded functions measurable with respect to

Results and applications

As a corollary, if is a ring of sets, then the smallest monotone class containing it coincides with the 𝜎-ring of

By invoking this theorem, one can use monotone classes to help verify that a certain collection of subsets is a


The monotone class theorem for functions can be a powerful tool that allows statements about particularly simple classes of functions to be generalized to arbitrary bounded and measurable functions.

See also

  • Dynkin system – Family closed under complements and countable disjoint unions
  • π-𝜆 theorem
     – Family closed under complements and countable disjoint unions
  • π-system – Family of sets closed under intersection
  • σ-algebra – Algebraic structure of set algebra

