Moving Away from the Imperial Regime

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Moving Away from the Imperial Regime

The Moving Away from the Imperial Regime,

Xinhai Revolution, and questioning the long-dominant Marxist historiography and the historical view of strengthening the nation in Chinese historiography.[5] The book describes China's tortuous history of constitutional transformation.[6]

With the central theme of the difficulty of China's departing the imperial regime, Moving Away from the Imperial Regime points out that China's second transition (from

Qing Dynasty) is still incomplete after more than one hundred years,[7] and it is difficult to predict when it will succeed. This view in the book provoked the discontent among Chinese book censors and was banned.[8]


Moving Away from the Imperial Regime is a book about the difficult transition from the last

constitutional democracy cannot take root in China and refutes the view that the Chinese cannot accept constitutionalism.[11]

Published and banned

Moving Away from the Imperial Regime was published by Qunyan Press on October 1, 2015,
