
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The n-universes are a conceptual tool introduced by philosopher

paradoxes and philosophical problems, the situations are generally complex and likely to give birth to multiple variations. Making use of Occam's razor
, modeling in the n-universes makes it possible to reduce such situations to their essential elements and to limit accordingly the complexity of the relevant study.

The n-universes were introduced in Franceschi (2001), in the context of the study of

. In the typology of n-universes, it is worth distinguishing: - according to whether they comprise constant-criteria or/and variable-criteria (space, time, color, shape, temperature, etc.) - according to whether they comprise one or more objects - according to whether a given criterion is or not with demultiplication - according to whether the objects are in relation one-one or many-one with a given criterion.

The n-universes proceed of a double inspiration: on the one hand, as a system of criteria, that of Nelson Goodman and on the other hand, at the ontological level, that of the Canadian philosopher John Leslie. The n-universes also propose to extend the properties of probability spaces classically used in probability theory (Franceschi 2006).


An instance of an n-universe with multiple objects, comprising a color variable, a space variable and a temporal constant

The N-universe represented below shows the following characteristics:

  • it comprises 4 objects
  • it has one variable-criterion of time (a single temporal position), one variable-criterion of location (with 4 space positions) and one variable-criterion of color (with three taxa: red, blue, green)
  • the objects are in a many-one relationship to the color variable: several objects have the same color
  • the objects are in many-one relationship to the time constant: several objects exist simultaneously at the single temporal position
  • the objects are in one-one relationship with the space criterion: only one object exists at a given space position
  • the objects are not with demultiplication with regard to the temporal criterion: the objects exist only at one single temporal position

See also
