
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Neophile or Neophiliac, a term popularised by cult writer Robert Anton Wilson, is a personality type characterized by a strong affinity for novelty. The term was used earlier by Christopher Booker in his book The Neophiliacs (1969), and by J. D. Salinger in his short story Hapworth 16, 1924 (1965).


Neophiles/Neophiliacs have the following basic characteristics:

  • The ability to adapt rapidly to extreme change.
  • A distaste or downright loathing of routine.
  • A desire to experience novelty.
  • A corresponding and related desire to create novelty.

A neophile is distinct from a revolutionary in that anyone might become a revolutionary if pushed far enough by the reigning authorities or social norms, whereas neophiles are revolutionaries by nature. Their intellectual abhorrence of tradition and repetition usually bemoans a deeper emotional need for constant novelty and change. The meaning of neophile approaches and is not mutually exclusive to the term visionary, but differs in that a neophile actively seeks first-hand experience of novelty rather than merely pontificating about it.

The opposite of a neophile is a

industrial revolution and related enlightenment
represents one of the first periods of history in which neophiles were a dominant force in society. Neophiles accelerate change because they like it that way.


Open-source advocate and programmer

neo-paganism, transhumanism, etc. as well as in or around nontraditional areas of thought such as fringe philosophy or the occult
. Raymond observes that most neophiles have roving interests and tend to be widely well-read.

There is more than one type of neophile. There are social neophiles (the extreme social butterfly), intellectual neophiles (the revolutionary

extreme sports
enthusiast). These tendencies are not mutually exclusive, and might exist simultaneously in the same individual.

The word "neophilia" has particular significance in Internet and

culture. The New Hacker's Dictionary gave the following definition to neophilia:

The trait of being excited and pleased by novelty. Common among most hackers,

neo-pagan underground (see geek). All these groups overlap heavily and (where evidence is available) seem to share characteristic hacker tropisms for science fiction, music

Research has uncovered a possible link between certain predisposition to some kind of neophilia and increased levels of the enzyme monoamine oxidase A.[1]

See also


External links