Otloh of Sankt Emmeram

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Otloh of St Emmeram (also Othlo) (c. 1010 – c. 1072) was a

St Emmeram's in Regensburg.[1]


Otloh was born around 1010 in the

Fulda, where he remained until 1067. After a short stay at the Franconian monastery of Amorbach
, he returned to Regensburg and spent the rest of his days on literary work, most notably a quasi-autobiographical account of the temptations he had overcome during his life (the Liber de tentationibus suis) and a collection of visionary tales, including his own (the Liber visionum).

Otloh appears to have been the music theory teacher of

office for St. Dionysius, and the troped Kyrie "O pater immense."[3]


Otloh's works are collected in volume 146 of Migne, Patrologia Latina, columns 27-434, including:

Dialogus de suis tentationibus, varia fortuna et scriptis
Life of Saint Wolfgang of Regensburg
Life of Saint
Life of Saint Alto
Life of Saint Magnus
Dialogus de tribus quæstionibus
De promissionis bonorum et malorum causis
De cursu spirituali
De translatione s. Dionysii e Francia in Germaniam (fragmentary)
De miraculo quod nuper accidit cuidam laico
De admonitione clericorum et laicorum
De spirituali doctrina
Liber Proverbiorum
Sermo in natali apostolorum
Liber visionum tum suarum tum aliorum

Modern critical editions

  • Othloni Libellus Proverbiorum, ed. G.C. Korfmacher (Loyola University Press, 1936); see, however, the review by Bernhard Bischoff in Historisches Jahrbuch 57 (1937), who unlike Korfmacher addresses the work's multiple recensions.
  • Otloh von St. Emmeram 'Liber de temptatione cuiusdam monachi'. Untersuchung, kritische Edition und Übersetzung, trans. and ed. Sabine Gäbe (Peter Lang, 1999).
  • Liber Visionum, ed. Paul Gerhard Schmidt in MGH Quellen zur Geistesgeschichte (Böhlau, 1989).
  • Translationis et inventionis sancti Dionysii Ratisponensis historia, ed. Adolf Hofmeister in MGH Scriptores vol. 30/2 (Hiersemann, 1926), 823-37.
  • Vitae Bonifatii libri duo, ed. Wilhelm Levison in Vitae Sancti Bonifatii archiepiscopi Mogutini (MGH Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi, vol. 57) (Hahn, 1905), 111-217.
  • Vita sancti Magni, ed. in Maurice Coens, "La Vie de S. Magne de Füssen par Otloh de St.-Emmeran," Analecta Bollandiana 81 (1963): 159-227.

English translations

An excerpt of the Liber de tentationibus is translated in Other Middle Ages: Witnesses at the Margins of Medieval Society, ed. Michael Goodich (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998), 159-63. A complete translation of the Liber de tentationibus and Liber visionum currently is in preparation for Broadview Press's "Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures" series.

Critical studies


  1. ^ Hiley 2001.
  2. ^ On the Translatio sancti Dionysii, see most recently Schmid, "'Auf glühendem Thron in der Hölle'." Otloh's role in the forgeries was asserted by Johannes Lechner, "Zu den falschen Exemtionsprivilegien für St. Emmeram (Regensburg)," Neues Archiv 25 (1900): 627-35; see more recently, however, Philipp-Schauwecker, "Otloh und die St. Emmeramer Fälschungen des 11. Jahrhunderts".
  3. .


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