Ovidiu Papadima

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Ovidiu Papadima (June 23, 1909,


He studied at the Alexandru Papiu Ilarian High School in Târgu Mureș, graduating at the top of his class in 1928. He then enrolled in the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy at the University of Bucharest, graduating in 1931.

He made his debut at age 23 in the literary magazine

Foreign Office of Nazi Germany
. He was on the Faculty at the University of Bucharest between 1941 and 1949.

After the establishment of the

kg), he was released on October 7, 1955. Prevented from publishing for several years, he was politically rehabilitated
in 1971.

He had two sons, Ștefan (1953–2018, a mathematician) and Liviu (b. 1957, also a literary critic).


  • O viziune românească a lumii, 1941
  • Neam, sat, oraș în poezia lui Octavian Goga, Bucharest: Fundația Regală pentru Literatură și Artă, 1942
  • Creatorii și lumea lor, 1943
  • Poezia și cunoaşterea etnică, 1944
  • Cu cît cînt, atîta sînt: antologie a liricii popular, Bucharest: Editura pentru literatură, 1963
  • Literatură populară Română; din istoria și poetica ei, Bucharest: Editura Pentru Literatură, 1968.
  • Ipostaze ale luminismului românesc, 1975

External links

  • Short biography
  • "Elita Intelectuală" (PDF). Cotidianul (in Romanian). October 10, 2006.
  • Alexandru Ștefănescu. "Scriitori arestaţi (1944–1964)". România Literară (in Romanian).
  • "Șefi de promotie (1923-2004)", at Al. Papiu Ilarian High School
  • "History of the Romanian Humboldt Community"