Pieter Scipio van Oostende

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Pieter Scipio van Oostende was a 17th-century

Kingdom of Sunda and the Batutulis inscription in the present-day Bogor area, which later named by the Dutch as Buitenzorg.[2] He was also the first European to reach the southern coastal area of Palabuhanratu, which was later known by the Dutch as Wijnkoopersbaai.[3]


  1. ^ Hazmirullah (15 February 2020). "Mendiami Jawa, Begini Ceritanya Sunda Sempat Hilang dalam Catatan Pemerintah Kolonial". Pikiran-Rakyat.com (in Indonesian). Retrieved 19 December 2020.
  2. .
  3. ^ "Menjelajahi Priangan Zaman Kompeni". AyoBandung.com (in Indonesian). 15 July 2020. Retrieved 19 December 2020.