
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Quesalid was a

Kwakiutl language, discovered by Franz Boas and well known by anthropologists
, in which he recounted his experiences as a shaman from an authentic view.

Quesalid started to be interested in shamanism because he was suspicious that shamanism was not true. Then, he entered a "shamanism school," and learned how to play the role. But he continued, became a well known shaman, and continued to report his experience. A summary of his autobiography indicates that he moved from a sceptical position to a "social view" of shamanism—that shamanic work is psychology, and about the faith of the sick people, and the faith of the community.


  • Lévi-Strauss
    , Claude, Le Sorcier et sa magie, 1949, in "Anthropologie structurale", Paris, 1958. Chap. IX: Le Sorcier et sa Magie.