Raoul de Ferrières

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Raoul de Ferrières (

chansons courtoises
have been attributed to him.

In 1209, Raoul was mentioned in a donation to the Abbey of Noé.

The most famous of Raoul's songs is unquestionably Quant li rossignols jolis ("When the pretty nightingales"), which is probably the song

Chastelain de Couci
in another manuscript. It was used as a model for the anonymous L'autrier m'iere rendormis. Musically, it starts at the upper octave, flows downwards, and establishes a centre on d.

All of Raoul's melodies, including Quant li rossignols, were recorded in

octosyllabic, with the heptasyllabic
exceptions of Quant ivers a tel poissance and Quant li rossignols and the mixed octo- and heptasyllabic verses of the disputed Quant il ne pert fueille ne flours.

List of songs

Assigned works

  • Encore m'estuet il chanter
  • Par force chant conme esbahis
  • Quant ivers a tel poissance
  • Quant je voi les vergiers florir
  • Se j'ai chanté, ce poise moi
  • Si sui du tout a fine Amour
  • Une haute amour qui esprent

Doubtful works

  • J'ai oublié paine et travaus
  • On ne peut pas a deus seigneurs servir
  • Quant li rossignols jolis
  • Quant il ne pert fueille ne flours
