Reformation (disambiguation)

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The Reformation, also known as the Protestant Reformation, was the 16th century schism within Western Christianity initiated by Martin Luther, John Calvin, and others

Reformation may also refer to:

Religious movements

  • Movements connected to the Protestant Reformation:
    • English Reformation, series of events in 16th century England by which the church in England broke away from the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church
    • Icelandic Reformation, King Christian III of Denmark's imposition of Lutheranism, in the middle of the 16th century
    • Reformation in Denmark–Norway and Holstein, the 16th century transition to Lutheranism in the realms ruled by the Copenhagen-based House of Oldenburg
    • Reformation in Switzerland, the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland, during the 1520s
    • Scottish Reformation, part of the wider Protestant Reformation, in 1560
    • Swedish Reformation
      , the Protestant reformation in Sweden, in 1527
  • Radical Reformation, an Anabaptist movement concurrent with the Magisterial Protestant Reformation
  • Counter-Reformation (also known as the Catholic Reformation), the period of Catholic revival beginning with the Council of Trent, in response to the Protestant Reformation
  • Evening Light Reformation, part of the holiness movement that led to the formation of the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana)
  • Liberalism and progressivism within Islam (also known as Islamic Reformation), a variety of movements to reform Islam in the 20th and 21st centuries
  • Mormon Reformation, a movement in Utah Territory in 1856–57

Arts, entertainment, and media



Other uses in arts, entertainment, and media

Other uses

  • Bohemian Reformation (also known as the Czech Reformation or Hussite Reformation)
  • Reformation, a term commonly used in the United States for the Rectification (law) of a written contract or legal instrument
  • Post-Suharto era
    or period of Reformasi (Reform), the (current) era in Indonesia following the 1997 Asian financial crisis and the fall of Suharto, characterized by increased freedom and political participation
  • Reformation of hydrocarbons in chemistry, see Catalytic reforming

See also