Simulation algorithms for coupled DEVS

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Given a coupled DEVS model, simulation algorithms are methods to generate the model's legal behaviors, which are a set of trajectories not to reach illegal states. (see

originally introduced the algorithms that handle time variables related to lifespan and elapsed time by introducing two other time variables, last event time, , and next event time with the following relations:


where denotes the current time. And the remaining time,

is equivalently computed as

apparently .

Based on these relationships, the algorithms to simulate the behavior of a given Coupled DEVS are written as follows.


algorithm DEVS-coordinator
     parent // parent coordinator
     : // time of last event
     : // time of next event
      // the associated Coupled DEVS model
    when receive init-message(Time t)
        for each  do
            send init-message(t) to child 
    when receive star-message(Time t)
        if  then
            error: bad synchronization;
        send star-message(t)to 
    when receive x-message(, Time t)
        if  and  == false then
            error: bad synchronization;
        for each  do
            send x-message(,t) to child 
    when receive y-message(, Time t)
        for each  do
            send x-message(,t) to child 
        if  then
            send y-message(, t) to parent;

See also

  • Coupled DEVS
  • Behavior of Coupled DEVS
  • Simulation Algorithms for Atomic DEVS


  • [Zeigler84] Bernard Zeigler (1984). Multifacetted Modeling and Discrete Event Simulation. Academic Press, London; Orlando. .
  • [ZKP00] Bernard Zeigler; Tag Gon Kim; Herbert Praehofer (2000). Theory of Modeling and Simulation (second ed.). Academic Press, New York. .