Sufi Way

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Poem of the Sufi Way, or Nazm al-suluk, is an Arabic poem by the

practitioners. It is 760 verses long. It is often referred to as al-Ta'iyya al-kubra (the Greater Poem Rhyming in T) to differentiate it from a shorter ode that also rhymes in t. The title can also be translated to “the Poem of Progress”.


The origins of this work are shrouded in mythology. Most accounts of the poem's construction derive from

Muhammed himself, requesting that he title it as the “Poem of the Sufi Way”, instead of the original title intended by Umar ibn al-Farid
, “The Diaries of Hearts and the Gardens' Sweet Scents”.


The poem itself is designed to demonstrate a pluralistic and mystical connection to God, or Allah. Initially, the poem likens the pursuit of God's love to the pursuit of a female, written from the man's perspective. The narrator becomes increasingly humbled throughout the poem, and, after much desperation and awe, the link to the narrator's lover, or God, becomes obscured to the point of total cohesion. This felt harmony and connection on an equal level with God is characteristically Sufi, yet it is also an area of critique from Muslim orthodoxies who label such possibility of equality with God as heresy.


The translation of the poem is known for its difficulty. There are many puns based on variations of the three-consonant radical of most Arabic words, as was custom to the mannerist (badi'a) poetry of the time.

Thematic material

As expected from a poem of such length, “the Poem of the Sufi Way” covers many different themes and draws on many different backgrounds. As Michael Sells writes in the Preface to Umar Ibn al-Farid: Sufi Verse, Saintly Life:

“The poem of the Sufi Way” is a microcosm of Islamic tradition at the time of

Sufi states of altered consciousness; the stations of Muhammad's mi'raj, or the mystic in his or her journey to the divine beloved; and interpretations of key mystical concepts such as fana' – the passing-away of the human self in mystical union with the divine.”[2]


Its importance has merited many commentaries, including ones by including

Jāmī (d. 1492), al-Būrīnī (d. 1615), and al-Nābulusī (d. 1730). Once an unknown religious scholar asked the Shaykh's permission to write a commentary on “the Poem of the Sufi Way.” Ibn al-Farid
asked how long the commentary would be. When the scholar replied that it would fill two volumes, Ibn al-Farid replied that he “could compose a two-volume commentary on each verse.”


  1. ^ Homerin, Emil. Umar Ibn Al-Farid: Sufi Verse, Saintly Life. Trans. Emil Homerin. New York: Paulist P, 2001.
  2. ^ Umar Ibn al Farid: Sufi Verse, Saintly Life. Preface by Michael Sells