Sugrivajne (Sugriva pledge)

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Sugrivajne (

Indian politics to pass a Bill or Act
that must be passed or obeyed in a timely fashion or otherwise.

Sugrivajne is from the

Hanuma. Hanuman introduces Lord Rama to his exiled King Sugriva, at Mount Rishyamukah. Vali the king of Kishkindha
after defeating his brother Sugriva keeps Sugriva's wife. Sugriva shows Rama the items that Sita had dropped whilst she traveled overhead in the clutches of Ravana. Rama makes a suggestion to kill Vali and reinstate Sugriva as King if Sugriva, in turn, pledges to help Rama with his quest. Sugriva accepts and goes to challenge Vali. An evenly matched combat ensues between the brothers, and Hanuman helps Rama to kill Vali.

Sugriva claims the kingdom, and takes back his wife Rumā, and makes Vali's widow Tara Empress. Sugriva forgets his earlier promise to help Rama but Hanuman and Tara reminds him the pledge made to Rama. Sugriva takes his army to free Sita from Ravana. In the battle, Sugriva challenges and fights with the Rakshasa Kumbhakarna, a brother of Ravana, and no doubt Kumbakarna would have killed Surgriva but the timely intervention of Rama's brother Lakshmana saves Sugriva.

Thus Sugriva fulfills his pledge.
