TEST (x86 instruction)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

In the

register indirect values.[1]

TEST opcode variations

The TEST operation clears the flags CF and OF to zero. The

least significant byte
of the result, 1 if the number of ones in that byte is even, 0 otherwise. The value of AF is undefined.


; Conditional Jump
test cl,cl   ; set ZF to 1 if cl == 0
jz 0x8004f430  ; jump if ZF == 1

; Conditional Jump with NOT
test cl, cl   ; set ZF to 1 if cl == 0
jnz 0x8004f430  ; jump if ZF == 0

; or
test eax, eax  ; set SF to 1 if eax < 0 (negative)
js error ; jump if SF == 1

; regular application
test al, $0F      ; set ZF if "al AND $0f = 0" (here: address-align test for 16b)
jnz @destination  ; jump if eax IS NOT "MODULO 16=0"


  1. ^ "Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 2B: Instruction Set Reference, N-Z" (PDF). Retrieved 2019-12-21.