The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Dresden Files
Leonard Balsera
PublishersEvil Hat Productions
Contemporary fantasy
Urban fantasy
SystemsFate (role-playing game system)

The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game is a licensed

Golden Geek Awards.[1]


The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game is written as an


Because it is supposedly a draft copy of the game, the book is covered in


While the game does not specify a city to use (or even to use a city at all), the key world-building example of the game is based around Baltimore, rather than using the main setting of the novels (Chicago). This is both to avoid duplication of information already in the novels and so Harry Dresden and the canon of The Dresden Files need not be an issue for roleplay at the table.[2]

Volume One: Your Story

The first volume of the core Dresden Files RPG, this book covers "all the rules you need to build characters and tell your own stories in the Dresdenverse". It is a stand alone book and does not require an additional purchase of the Fate Core RPG Rules.

The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game uses the

power levels to work together without one overshadowing the other.[3]

The characters are assumed to know each other in advance, and character creation includes inventing a couple of stories in their shared past. The magic system is broken up into immediate Evocation and planned Thaumaturgy, with the casting itself being freeform and the role being to control the magic.

Volume Two: Our World

The second volume in the core Dresden Files RPG, this book gives "extensive detail on the factions, creatures, foes, and allies of the Dresdenverse". It also includes a section on the Chicago setting used in the Dresden novels.

Volume Three: The Paranet Papers

The third volume in the core Dresden Files RPG, this book provides information on "four key Dresdenverse times and places: Las Vegas, the Russian Revolution, the Neverglades, and Las Tierras Rojas / the Red Lands". In addition it details rules and setting information for navigating the spirit world known as the Nevernever.

The magical rules are updated and expanded with new material on soulfire, sponsorship, and thaumaturgy.

There are new and updated creatures to populate the game and provide possible opposition for players, including demons, archangels, creatures of the Nevernever, and scions.

Character writeups are updated and new characters are introduced to the Dresdenverse.

Information for Dresden Files novels is updated through the novel Changes, with hints of Ghost Story. In keeping with these two novels, rather than Harry and Bob, it is Waldo Butters and Karrin Murphy who discuss the contents within the pages along with Will (Billy).

Dresden Files Accelerated

Published in 2017 using the Fate Accelerated system, Dresden Files Accelerated simplifies the rules and is a standalone game from the rest of the Dresden Files RPG.[4]

History and reception

alpha version of The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game and go right back to the drawing board, and that Spirit of the Century would use the first version of the engine they'd created for The Dresden Files RPG.[6]

play-testing in January 2008[8] and playtesting continued through 2008 and 2009. The game was opened for preorders in April 2010[9] and released in June, to coincide with Origins 2010.[10] Evil Hat later released lighter version of the Dresden Files RPG called Dresden Files Accelerated in 2017.[11]

Reception was extremely positive with The Dresden Files winning numerous awards. RPGamer awarded Dresden Files 5/5 in the review: "This a game where every mechanic, every example and the humour oozes of the Dresden Files setting, and even if you aren't a fan, it still delivers a well put together urban fantasy game or an awesome magic system you can hack into your current FATE game. I have no complaints, no constructive criticism, not one ill word for this book. This is my game of the year".

The Penny Arcade Report made special note of how the character generation system gave everyone a history together.[13]


The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game was received well, winning the following awards:


  1. ^ RPG Geek profile of The Dresden Files
  2. ^ Designing Dresden 1: Choosing a City- Evil Hat Productions
  3. ^ Designing Dresden 6 - So Why Fate? - Evil Hat Productions
  4. ^ "Dresden Files Accelerated". 12 February 2017.
  5. ^ .
  6. ^ Where'd we go? - Evil Hat Productions
  8. ^ Evil Hat announcement, January 2008
  9. ^ "Dresden Files RPG - The Preorder Is Go! (". Archived from the original on March 14, 2012. Retrieved 2013-12-24.
  10. ^ "Dresden Files RPG - The Problem With Being A Small Company". Archived from the original on March 14, 2012. Retrieved 2013-12-24.
  11. ^ Fate Core Kickstarter, Update #24
  12. ^ RPgamer review
  13. The Penny Arcade Report
    , 25 June 2012
  14. ^ a b 2010 Golden Geek Announcement
  15. ^ a b 37th Origins Awards Archived 2013-12-27 at the Wayback Machine
  16. ^ a b c d e f 2011 ENnie Awards