User:Fuzheado/WikiVideo Concept Video

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The following is a draft script for a concept video showing the potential for collaborative video editing and production in a Wikimedia environment. (Started, August 2015). Suggested length: 30-60 seconds.

Basic concept

Show people around the world shooting video of the same subject. After uploading their footage from a variety of devices, a community of video producers on Wikimedia help produce a final mini-documentary through editing and re-editing, where it finally shows up on a Wikipedia article. The subject matter should be universal and multicultural, to show the power of visual storytelling. Some ideas include "dinner" or "birthday" or perhaps working off of the theme of the oral citations project -- "childrens games."

Some ideas for an ideal example:

  • People around the world shooting around a similar theme (food, dance, sport, et al)
  • People uploading their content
  • One person logs and transcribes some of the content (maybe a storyboard or script?)
  • Someone makes a rough video cut
  • Someone views the rough cut, and re-edits it
  • People continue to add to it and modify it. Show diffs/edit comments
  • Someone making it better by searching in Commons, Internet Archive, or open resources and adding more footage
  • Inspired by that, others shoot more footage and upload it, building on previous work
  • Show the final piece being shown to a an elementary school classroom

The idea is to show how video collaboration around one theme could yield massive global collaboration and amazing results.


  • Cinema Paradiso final scene [1]
  • Apple 2013 Christmas video [2]
Time Video Audio Comments
Shots of people at computers, mobiles or tablets
Closeups of people using Wikipedia, editing,

learning, sharing, pointing, GLAM, et al.

VO: Since 2001, Wikipedia, the encyclopedia that anyone can edit,

has revolutionized the world by giving free access to knowledge.

VO: But it's missing something significant.
High speed montage of compelling

historic and original visual content

VO: Video.
Closeups of people using a variety of cameras:

mobiles, DSLRs, point and shoots, et al.

VO: Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet

can participate in creating video. That's what we plan on doing.