
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Hi. My name is Hari. Me and my friend Tyler like to get hola in our 6th hour science class. We usually laugh about really stupid things like green water or spam. Once, Tyler punched me in the face so i fell down, but when Mr. Jenny asked what happened, I saved Tyler's ass by saying that I punched myself in the face. YOU OWE ME TYLER!!! Another secret about me and Tyler is that WE LOVE MAFIA WARS. We always talk about it and it distracts us in lots of classes. We also make fun of Blake because he is a nerd. You see, Dayton used to sit at our table, but once when I was asking Lauren for help on More Alkane Activities, Blake and Dayton got into a White Out fiasco and Dayton ended up getting moved. That's another reason Blake sucks. He tells on people. THAT IS SOOOOO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Once Dayton and I were poking Blake from either side in Social Studies, and Blake told Mrs. Nickens so me and Dayton got moved. BLAKE, YOU SUCK BIG ONES FOR THAT. It was still funny though. TEE-HEE

So my name is Tyler. One time Hari and I were in science and we started to laugh at Lauren. It was super funny because she was oblivious. lool

yo ppl dont edit this page for no damn reason unless its seriously funny.