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Charlie Diaz

       Charlie Raymond Diaz a.k.a "THE CROC" (born May 18, 
USA) an American professional surfer

Early Life and Family

Born to Heather and James Diaz in

Oahu, Hawaii
, for a secret mission for the government. “I hated Hawaii, there was nothing to do.” Charlie said in a recent interview.

Intro to surfing

Charlie was introduced to surfing by a Hawaii local Jeffery Johnson, also famous singer Jack Johnson's father. Jeffery was born and raised in Oahu, Hawaii and had been surfing all his life. “He was such a good surfer. I remember sitting on the beach watching him surf with his dad. I remember Jeff was the first guy to show me how to wax a surfboard, how to do it right, how to do everything right. How surf. He was just two years old then me and at such a young age I felt he knew it all.” said Charlie. When Charlie's father asked him what he wanted for his eighth birthday. Charlie looked up and said proud “A surfboard.”

His fame

Charlie learned how to surf and became very good at. Attending high school, Charlie surfed on his free time, mostly with Jeffery or by himself. He had turn nineteen and decided to drop the surfing for he realized he was going no where with it. He had to do something that would make him money. His friend Jeffery on the other hand was spotted one day while surf by a rich and very well known man. “This guy told him he want him so be on the cover of a magazine, Surfer, that he could have every girl in the world and all the money he wanted!” Charlie said with a chuckle. Jeffery of course took this offer and left Charlie in Hawaii. “It hurt me, I mean he was my only and best friends, but I understood he didn't want to be in this small town forever, Jeff wanted to see the world. I'm proud he made a name for himself, he did what he wanted and no could stop him” Charlie's years in college were slow and boring, he told us. Studying Marine Biology at the

Maui, Hawaii
, He was there surfing the swells.” Charlie told us. While there Charlie and Jeffery went surfing on the local beach. All of Jeffery's fans and follows wanted to know who his friend was. He was any amazing surfer with all the same moves as Jeffery. Jeffery just took them a great man. In the months to follow Charlie was followed all around town. “It was like a mob of people. I thought they were all following me because I was with Jeffery, but then they started calling my name. I was a little confused I just came to surf with an old friend. I had no idea that this was going to happen.”Charlie said. He was a one hit surf wonder, that was discovered under the wing of surf legend. Charlie became very popular very fast. He was on the covers of surfer magazines with Jeffery and meting all types of people. By the age of twenty-three Charlie was a pro surfer and left the his small town in Oahu, Hawaii, to travel the world along side, Jeffery. In a surf competition in southern Africa, Charlie found love. “She was beautiful. Oh god, I remember the first time I saw her. She was standing pretty far away from me with a couple of her friends and I was trying to get her attention. She hadn't seen me and she walked away. I was so mad, I thought I would never see her again. Then two or three days later I ran into her on the street. She thought I was kinda strange but she went out with me.” He told us. “She was from a small town in northern New York, a states girl” They had gone on a couple dates and feel madly in love. In the spring of 1965 Charlie and married on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The wedding was small and pravite, but lovely. A year into the marriage Charlie and Michelle conceived their first child, Lily Amber Diaz. “Oh she was beautiful. So little and sweet smelling. I remember holding her for the first time, she was so... I cant even explain it. I used to love to singing to her” he said as tears began to form in his eyes. In 1970 his second child was born Stanley Jeffery Daiz. “ He was a big boy, heavy as I can remember, but beautiful. I remember looking at him, when the doctor handed him to me. He had a smile to big on his face it made me laugh to this day he still has that smile.” he said with a smile. “They both where beautiful in there own ways, having such good, strong personality they grow up to be great people. Greater then me.” After high school Lily moved to Huntington Beach, California to study at The Golden West Community College. There she studied hard and worked to make ends met. “I remember she'd call me all stressed out and tired from working so hard” Charlie said. In her last year at college she met a local boy named David studying to be an engineer. He was born and raised in California and was three years older then her. “ I hated the thought that she had a boyfriend and plus he was older then her. I felt I needed to protect her. Although, when I met him he was sweet and he really liked her so I put the shield down. If you know what I mean.” Charlie said. They had gone out for a year and was surprised with a late coming. “I swear I almost killed him, when she told me she was late, I also got on a plane to California and killed him.” On April 3, 1988, Michelle Lily Pete was born in Huntington Beach, California. “I remember seeing David hold her. He had the same look I had when the doctor handed me Lily for the first time.” he told us. “she was just beautiful like her mother.” he added. In the two years that David and Lily had Michelle they got married and decided to have another one, another baby. On August 16, 1990, Charlie Jeffery Pete was born. Lily decided to name her first son after her father. “Charlie was a beautiful boy, he had rosy checks that just lite any one up. I remember he reminded me so much of my son.” he said with a huge smile. In the two years to follow Michelle and Charlie grew and Lily wanted more, more kids. “She liked the whole kids running around and playing” Charlie told. On October 24, 1992, she had her last, a little boy named Jordan Michael Pete. He was named after David's grandfather an American World War I pilot for the French. “Oh boy Jordan is a great kid. He has a big sweet heart that impossible to not fall in love with, and hes one of my best friends.” he said. “Having a close relationship with family is just such an important thing.” he told us. In early 1994 Michelle the love of Charlie life, his wife passed away after a seven year battle with liver cancer. “It was just horrible, I didn't think I could go on.” he said. He decided that being in the house alone was not health, he decided to move to California to be closer to his daughter and three grandkids. “Selling that house was so hard, there were so many memoirs with in those walls.” he said as he put his down. Moving to California he help with his grandkids. Teaching then to swim and surf was on the top of the list. By the age of three all three of them know how to swim and by five they were all surfing and surfing well. “I remember teaching Charlie how to surf, he learned to quickly that I figured he would be a pro by eight,” he told us with a laugh. In the summer of 1997 Charlie's fear came to life. His daughter only thirty years-old was diagnosed with bladder cancer. “I was destroyed, I remember sitting up at night crying and praying to God to save my little girl.” he told us as he wiped a tear. In the year to follow that cancer became worst and the family picked up and moved to a small town just outside Boston. In Boston Lily was given the best medical care available for three years but sadly it didn't help. “I remember the night she died, I sat at the end of her bed, with her son in my hands. He asked me if she was going to be okay. I remember I couldn't even answer him. It was so difficult to lose my daughter and wife, but it must have been equally difficult to lose a mother.” he said as he broke out in tears. After the death of his daughter he moved back to California and started to drunk. He felt he had nothing to live for and was a raging alcoholic. “I drank every night. That was until my son told me his wife of four years was pregnant.” On December 16, 2002, almost a after Lily's death, Kelly Diaz was born. “When they handed her to me, I began to cry, when my son asked why I was crying, I told him his daughter was Lily. To this day somethings when I look at her I become happy and cry because I got my daughter back in my granddaughter.” he told us as he couldn't even speak from the tears. Two years passed and he got another grandson. Stanley Diaz, “he was just beautiful, he looked like a smaller Stanley his father.