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19 and the Quran

Surah 74 74:26 I shall soon cast him into Saqar. 74:27 Ah, what will convey unto you what Saqar is! 74:28 A Fire that lets not live and lets not die. [Fire of Regret, Remorse, Anguish] 74:29 Visibly written on the tablet of an individual’s life. 74:30 Over it are nineteen. 74:31 We have appointed none but angelic powers (Universal Laws) to be the keepers of the Fire. And We have made their number a trial for those who are bent upon denying the truth. This admonition should grant certainty to those who received the Scripture before while the believers shall increase in faith. The believers and those who have been given the Scripture before shall harbour no doubt to this declaration. And the hypocrites and the deniers may say, “What does God mean by this parable?” Thus, God lets go astray him who wills to go astray, and guides him who wills to be guided. And no one knows the Forces of your Lord but He. And this is nothing but a Reminder to the mortals. [2:26]

A new theory for the number 19 mentioned in the above Quranic verses, by Jawaid Raza Ahmed, Abu Jamal Ibn Suleman.

Some Malaika are the forces of nature that make up the universe. The four known fundamental interactions are electromagnetism, strong interaction, weak interaction (also known as "strong" and "weak nuclear force") and gravitation. Without these the universe could not have formed or continue to exist.

At the heart of these forces is mathematics. Formulae have been found that defines how the forces act and interact, E=mc2, Newton’s law of motion etc. Stick in a number and you can get an answer.

What the Quran means by the number 19 is not something mystical or to do with the number of verses or words in the Quran, but the numbers themselves. 19 is made up of the first and last numbers, 1 and 9 (0 being a non number, if I can describe it as such) and it is the way that the mathematical harmony of the universe is keeping everything in existence that the Quran is alluding to. To further substantiate my new theory, please read the following quote:-

“Is God a mathematician? by Mario Livio The question of whether god is a mathematician refers to the apparently omnipotent powers of mathematics to describe the world we live in — its "unreasonable effectiveness", to use a phrase coined by physics Nobel Laureate Eugene Wigner in 1960. Evidence of this omnipotence is everywhere. The laws of physics, the movements of the stock market (though it may be hard to believe right now), the way our brain works, even chance events: all can be described in the language of mathematics. What's more, the mathematics required to solve a particular problem, for example to describe the nature of sub-atomic particles, has often been developed decades, or even centuries, before the problem was first posed. Time and time again, mathematics just happens to fit the bill perfectly. So is mathematics woven into the fabric of nature, independent of the human mind, but there for us to discover? Or is it a human invention? If it's the latter, then why does it apply to external physical phenomena at all?”