
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Enjoying my time here.

Wiki sophomore philosophy

The appeal of the Wikipedia is a reflection of man's innate desire to create order from chaos.

On inclusion

A good reference puts as much work into defining what it doesn't include as what it does. This is a primary challenge of the Wikipedia, where deletion of others' work is considered bad form.

Wiki Sophomore Philosophy, II

As the Wikipedia effort grows, there exists a personality litmus test: some people -- those whose primary instinct is to create order from chaos -- continue to focus on the end product, while others -- those whose primary instinct is to build relationships, power, and influence -- focus on the community aspects. The result is a model for the organic growth of a bureaucracy.

A quote by me

Anyone who isn't an inclusionist after three days on Wikipedia has no heart; anyone who isn't a deletionist after three years on Wikipedia has no head.

Selected pages I started

Merlin (game) - Terri Hemmert

Selected pages I've contributed to