User:Luxquine/sandbox/Esociformes Species List

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Esociformes Species List

Umbra krameri

Umbra pygmaea

Umbra longidorsalis

Umbra limi

Proumbra irthyshensis

Umbra perpusilla † (syn. Palaeoesox perpusillus)

Novumbra oregonensis

Novumbra hubbsi

Dallia pectoralis

Dallia admirabilis

Dallia delicatissima

Palaeoesox fritzschei † (type species and therefore senior to P. weileri)

Umbra prochazkai

Umbra oderiensis

Boltyshia brevicauda

Boltyshia truncata

Palaeoesox weileri † (probable syn. Palaeoesox fritzschei) (previously named Umbra weileri)

Estesesox foxi † (some fossil material misdescribed as Platacodon nanus in the family Sciaenidae; the family is not within Esociformes)

Oldmanesox canadensis

Esox tiemani

Esox longkouensis

Esox columbianus

Esox kronneri

Esox aquitanicus

Esox americanus vermiculatus

Esox americanus americanus

Esox cisalpinus

Esox lucius

Esox masquinongy

Esox niger

Esox reichertii

Esox nogaicus

Esox sibiricus

Esox moldavicus

Palaeoesox praekrameri † (previously named in the genus Umbra)

Palaeoesox acutirostris † (previously named Mikroumbra acutirostris, then later Palaeumbra acutirostris (? May be valid name, just with the same species name as Palaeoesox acutirostris))

Palaeumbra acutirostris † (may be synonym of Palaeoesox acutirostris?)

Palaeoesox perpusillus † (described as Lebias perpusillus) (correct name for syn. Umbra perpusilla (?))

Palaeoesox densus

Umbra valida † (possibly in the genus Palaeoesox)

Palaeoesox oligocenicus

Palaeoesox longirostratus

Esteesox sp. † (species name not mentioned in genetic study source) (probable typo of Estesesox)

Esox primaevus

Esox papyraceus

Esox waltschanus

Esox desiructus

Esox lepidotus

Palaeoesox goellheimensis

Palaeumbra moguntina

"genus Umbridarum" crassus

Umbra n. sp. † (unnamed)



Umbra (the oldest known representative of the genus Umbra (U. prochazkai), is dated from the Late Oligocene)



Oldmanesox † (more closely related to Esox than Estesesox

Proumbra † (intermediate between Umbra and Palaeoesox)




Palaeumbra † (genus may be invalid if Palaeumbra acutirostris is a synonym of Palaeoesox acutirostris)

"Umbridarum" † (invalid genus?)

Esteesox † (probable typo of Estesesox)


Umbridae (paraphyletic; Umbra, Novumbra, Dallia) (recently proposed to only include Umbra) (Boltyshia is a basal member of the Umbridae lineage(?)) (Palaeoesox “ belongs clearly to the lineage leading to the genus Umbra”, though I’m unsure if it is in its own family (Palaeoesocidae) or is in Umbridae) (genetic study source recommends including Boltyshia, Palaeoesox, Proumbra, and Umbra in Umbridae)

Esocidae (Esox) (genetic study source asserts this family should include Novumbra and Dallia) (Mesozoic fossil study places Estesesox and Oldmanesox within Esocidae)

Paleoesocidae † (Palaeoesox(?), Boltyshia) (incartae sedis within Umbridae)


Translate to English

Kovalchuk, O., & Rekovets, L. EWOLUCJA I PALEOEKOLOGIA FAUNY RYB SŁODKOWODNYCH W GÓRNYM PALEOCENIE–DOLNYM EOCENIE EUROPY WSCHODNIEJ 1 EVOLUTION AND PALEOECOLOGY OF FRESHWATER FISH FAUNA IN THE UPPER PALEOCENE–LOWER EOCENE. ZESZYTY NAUKOWE UNiWErSYTETU prZYrOdNicZEgO, 27. [Mentions Boltyshia brevicauda] [Mentions Esox primaevus, Esox papyraceus, Esox waltschanus, Esox desiructus, and Esox lepidotus] [Mentions "genus Umbridarum" crassus, Palaeoesox fritzschei, Palaeumbra moguntina, Palaeoesox goelheimensis, Palaeoesox acutirostris]


Gaudant, J. (2012). An attempt at the palaeontological history of the European mudminnows (Pisces, Teleostei, Umbridae). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie-Abhandlungen, 93-109. [Mentions Boltyshia brevicauda, Palaeoesox fritzschei, Umbra prochazkai, Palaeumbra acutirostris, Palaeoesox perpusillus, Palaeoesox praekrameri, Umbra prochazkai, Proumbra irtyshensis, Umbra n. sp., Palaeoesox densus, Palaeoesox acutirostris]

Matschiner, M., Musilová, Z., Barth, J. M., Starostová, Z., Salzburger, W., Steel, M., & Bouckaert, R. (2016). Bayesian node dating based on probabilities of fossil sampling supports trans-Atlantic dispersal of cichlid fishes. BioRxiv, 038455. [Supplementary text mentions age of fossil Esociformes]

Marić, S., Stanković, D., Wanzenböck, J. et al. Phylogeography and population genetics of the European mudminnow (Umbra krameri) with a time-calibrated phylogeny for the family Umbridae. Hydrobiologia 792, 151–168 (2017). [Extant Umbra spp. split based on genetic research; mentions Esteesox, taxonomy of other extinct species.]

Wilson, Mark & Brinkman, Donald & Neuman, Andrew. (1992). Cretaceous Esocoidei (Teleostei): Early radiation of the pikes in North American fresh waters. Journal of Paleontology. 66. 839-846. 10.1017/S0022336000020849. [Metions Estesesox, Oldmanesox. Mudminnows (which the study classifies in the paraphyletic sense of Umbridae) may be descended from ancestors that had depressible teeth like those of esocids. This is still likely given the reported presence of depressible teeth in Palaeoesox in this study.]

Reichenbacher, B. (1999). Preliminary otolith-zonation in continental Tertiary deposits of the Paratethys and adjacent areas. Neues Jahrbuch Geologie Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 214(3), 375-390. [Mentions Palaeoesox oligocenicus, Palaeoesox longirostratus]


Extant Esociformes Species

Esox subg. Kenozoa

Esox americanus

Esox niger

Esox subg. Esox

Esox masquinongy

Esox aquitanicus

Esox reichertii

Esox cisalpinus

Esox lucius


Novumbra hubbsi


Dallia admirabilis

Dallia delicatissima

Dallia pectoralis

Umbra subg. Melanura

Umbra limi

Umbra pygmaea

Umbra subg. Umbra

Umbra krameri

Esociformes Genera













§Estesesox and Oldmanesox are assigned to Esocoidea, however taxonomic placement of Esocoidea is messy at best.