User:Meelar/Test of Political Significance

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Recently, a question has arisen over how to evaluate the encyclopedicness of article about political

interest groups
. Under this proposed policy, articles on interest groups would be kept if they meet one of the following criteria:

  • They had attracted major media attention (e.g.
    Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
  • They are frequently quoted by media on topics of concern to them (e.g. Family Research Council and Human Rights Campaign on issues dealing with homosexuality)
  • They have over 20,000 members (this number to vary based on how the group defines membership)
  • They donated a significant amount of money in the past election cycle (US$5 million would include all the larger PACs and 527s)
  • They are attached to some significant figure, and are notable in their own right (these can often be merged into the article on the figure him/her self)