User:RTG/The Origin of Matter and Energy

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

It comes from a place where stillness seems to compete with radiation for apparency, in a place squeezed beyond tightness, by these two forms, though there is room for only one.

It is so difficult to understand that nobody really understands it.

On one side you have a sort of yin, and on the other a sort of yang. To find the answer to your quest, you must travel the whole universe, as thought it were a ball of string between them, to measure what binds them into one through their indivisible cores.

Along the way you will meet many priests, with unstoppable powers given to convincing you, that the journey has already been made. When you finally reach the other side and determine the answers to your questions, you will find the knowledge has no real value.

At the first motion, there was an elasticity, dragging the movement back to its beginning, where it would rest flatly, into nothingness again. But there was nothing in that place to settle into, and the initial motion left traces, which the returning motion disturbed, and was disturbed by, like ripples in a growing, messy ball of string. The string is just a ripple itself. A ripple within a ripple, within a ripple, elastically bound to the first point of stillness, but never able to spring all the way back as its straight path is deflected, by evermore ripples along the way.

On one side there is a sort of yin, in motion from the first, the other side a sort of yang, created in the left space, where the motion began. Between them is the string, which binds the universe together. From within the string, which are simply extrusions of the stretched binding between each core, each side of the original division, which core is which can never be determined. The outside of the string is like an optical illusion, like the edge of a tunnel which loops back to its own centre.

The edges of all these things are defined by ripples in the string, irregularities in the tunnel, connecting stillness and radiation, flatness and spirals, gravity and light.

It comes from a place where stillness seems to compete with radiation for apparency, a place squeezed beyond tightness by the two forms, yet expansive enough to contain the details of a whole universe, though there is room for only one.

It is so difficult to understand that nobody really understands it.

What causes it is cause itself. What ends it is ultimately nothing.