
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


  • Aonyx capensis
    African Clawless Otter, Aonyx capensis, also known as the Cape Clawless Otter or Groot otter 5 LINKS
  • Aonyx congicus
    Cameroon Clawless Otter, Congo Clawless Otter, Small-clawed Otter, Small-toothed Clawless Otter, or Zaire Clawless Otter
  • Arctonyx collaris
    Hog Badger 2 LINKS
  • Bassaricyon alleni
    Allen's Olingo 1 LINK
  • Bassaricyon beddardi
    Beddard's Olingo 1 LINK
  • Bassaricyon gabbi
    Bushy-tailed Olingo or Gabbi's Olingo
  • Bassaricyon lasius
    Harris's Olingo
  • Bassaricyon pauli
    Chiriqui Olingo
  • Bassariscus sumichrasti
    Cacomistle; cacomistle is from the Nahuatl language (tlacomiztli) and means "half cat" or "half lion" (also seen as half mountain lion); it is sometimes also used to refer to the ringtail, Bassariscus astutus, a similar species 2 LINKS
  • Canis hallstromi
    New Guinea Singing dog, New Guinea Highland dog, Singer
  • Canis simensis
    Ethiopian Wolf, (Amharic: täkʷula, 'wolf', & qey qebero, 'red fox'), Abyssinian Wolf, Red Jackal or Fox, Simen/Simenian/Simian/Simien Fox or Jackal, Jedalafardaa ("Horse's Jackal" in English)
  • Cerdocyon thous
    crab-eating fox, crab-eating zorro, wood fox, common fox
  • Civettictis civetta
    African Civet
  • Conepatus chinga
    Molina's Hog-nosed Skunk
  • Conepatus humboldtii
    Humboldt's Hog-nosed Skunk or Patagonian Hog-nosed Skink
  • Conepatus leuconotus
    eastern hog-nosed skunk; Recent work has concluded that the Western Hog-nosed Skunk is the same species, and that Conepatus leuconotus is the correct name of the merged populations. Dwarfism caused by competition for food may explain the size difference.
  • Conepatus mesoleucus
    western hog-nosed skunk or common hog-nosed skunk; Big Thicket hog-nosed skunk (C. m. telmalestes)
  • Conepatus semistriatus
    Striped Hog-nosed Skunk
  • Eira barbara
    Tayra, Tolomuco
  • Felis catus
    Domestic Cat, House Cat, cat

A group of cats is referred to as a clowder, a male cat is called a tom (or a gib, if neutered), and a female is called a queen. The male progenitor of a cat, especially a pedigreed cat, is its sire, and its female progenitor is its dam. An immature cat is called a kitten (which is also an alternative name for young rats, rabbits, hedgehogs, beavers, squirrels and skunks). In medieval Britain, the word kitten was interchangeable with the word catling. A cat whose ancestry is formally registered is called a pedigreed cat, purebred cat, or a show cat (although not all show cats are pedigreed or purebred). In strict terms, a purebred cat is one whose ancestry contains only individuals of the same breed. A pedigreed cat is one whose ancestry is recorded, but may have ancestors of different breeds (almost exclusively new breeds; cat registries are very strict about which breeds can be mated together). Cats of unrecorded mixed ancestry are referred to as domestic longhairs and domestic shorthairs or commonly as random-bred, moggies, mongrels, mutt-cats or alley cats. The ratio of pedigree/purebred cats to random-bred cats varies from country to country. However, generally speaking, purebreds are less than ten percent of the total feline population. The word cat derives from Old English catt, which belongs to a group of related words in European languages, including Welsh cath, Spanish gato, Basque katu, Byzantine Greek κάττα, Old Irish cat, German Katze, and Old Church Slavonic kotka. The ultimate source of all these terms is unknown, although it may be linked to the ancient Nubian kadis and the Berber kadiska (both meaning "cat"). The term puss (as in pussycat) may come from Dutch (from "poes" (or the diminutive "poesje"), which primarily denotes a female cat but is also used as an endearing term for any cat) or from other Germanic languages.

Felis lybica
  • Felis manul
    Pallas's Cat (Felis manul), also known as the Manul, is a small wild cat of Central Asia. It was formerly the only species in the genus Otocolobus
  • Galictis cuja
    Lesser Grison (Spanish: Hurón Menor; Portuguese: Furão
  • Galictis vittata
    greater grison
  • Genetta angolensis
    Angolan Genet ]webs[
  • Genetta johnstoni
    Johnston's Genet
  • Genetta maculata
    Rusty-spotted Genet (Genetta maculata), also known as the Panther Genet ]webs[
  • Genetta servalina
    Servaline Genet; Lowe's Servaline Genet (G. s. lowei), Zanzibar Servaline Genet (G. s. archeri), The endangered Crested Servaline Genet (G. cristata) was also considered to be a subspecies
  • Genetta thierryi
    Haussa Genet, Thierry's Genet
  • Genetta tigrina
    Cape Genet, Blotched Genet, the Large-spotted Genet
  • Genetta victoriae
    Giant Forest Genet, Giant Genet
  • Helarctos malayanus
    Sun Bear (Malayan: Beruang Madu 'Honey Bear').
  • Herpestes brachyurus
    Short-tailed Mongoose
  • Herpestes edwardsii
    Indian Gray Mongoose, Common Grey Mongoose
  • Herpestes fuscus
  • Herpestes naso
  • Herpestes palustris
    Bengal Mongoose (Herpestes javanicus palustris) is a subspecies of the Small Asian Mongoose. It is also known as the Marsh Mongoose, not to be confused with Atilax paludinosus, which is also called the Marsh Mongoose. Other synonyms include Indian Marsh Mongoose and Bengali Water Mongoose.
Herpestes semitoquartos
  • Herpestes smithii
    Ruddy Mongoose
  • Herpestes urva
    Crab-eating Mongoose
  • Herpestes vitticollis
    Stripe-necked Mongoose
  • Histriophoca fasciata
    Ribbon Seal
  • Hyaena brunnea
    brown hyena (Parahyaena brunnea, formerly Hyaena brunnea
  • Ichneumia albicauda
    White-tailed Mongoose
  • Ictonyx libyca
    Saharan Striped Polecat or Saharan Striped Weasel
  • Ictonyx striatus
    Striped Polecat (Ictonyx striatus, also called the African Polecat, Zoril, Zorille or Zorilla
  • Leptonychotes weddellii
    Weddell Seal
  • Liberiictis kuhni
    Liberian Mongoose
  • Lutra maculicollis
    Speckle-throated Otter (Hydrictis maculicollis syn. Lutra maculicollis) also called the Spotted-necked Otter
  • Lutra sumatrana
    hairy-nosed otter
Lycalopex vetulus
  • Lycaon pictus
    African Wild Dog, Lycaon pictus, also known as the African Hunting Dog, Cape Hunting Dog, Painted Dog, or Painted Wolf; Afrikaans name for the African Wild dog is Wildehond, and in Swahili, Mbwa mwitu
  • Lyncodon patagonicus
    Patagonian weasel 2 LINKS
  • Macrogalidia musschenbroekii
    Sulawesi Palm Civet (Macrogalidia musschenbroekii), also known as the Sulawesi Giant Civet, the Giant Civet and the Celebes Palm Civet; all civets and palm civets, are sometimes called civet cats or genet cats
  • Martes americana
    American marten (Martes americana) is a North American member of the Mustelidae family. Sometimes referred to as the Pine Marten, it should be noted that the term Pine Marten also is used to refer to a separate Martes species from Europe. It differs from the fisher (Martes pennanti) in that it is smaller in size, has a pelage which is usually brown with an irregularly shaped chest-patch that is lighter in colour. Some sources believe that the population found in the western United States should be considered a distinct species and given the scientific name Martes caurina.
  • Martes flavigula
    Yellow-Throated Marten or the Himalayan Marten
  • Martes gwatkinsii
    Nilgiri Marten; Tamil names of Maranai and in Malayalam as Karumvernku and Koduvalli.
  • Martes melampus
    Japanese marten
  • Melogale everetti
    Everett's Ferret Badger (Melogale everetti), also known as the Kinabalu Ferret Badger
  • Melogale moschata
    Chinese Ferret Badger
  • Melogale orientalis
    Javan Ferret-badger
  • Melogale personata
    Javan Ferret-badger
  • Mephitis macroura
    hooded skunk
  • Mungos gambianus
    Gambian Mongoose
  • Mustela africana
    Tropical Weasel or Amazon Weasel
  • Mustela altaica
    Mountain Weasel, also known as the Pale Weasel,
  • Mustela felipei
    Colombian Weasel
  • Mustela kathiah
    Yellow-bellied Weasel
Mustela lutrolina
  • Mustela nudipes
    Malayan Weasel
  • Mustela sibirica
    Siberian Mountain Weasel, also known as the Siberian Weasel, Kolinsky or Himalayan Weasel 1 LINK in .ru
  • Mustela strigidorsa
    Black-striped Weasel
Mydeus javanensis
Mydeus marchei
  • Nasuella olivacea Mountain Coati or Dwarf coati
  • Ommatophoca rossii
    Ross Seal
  • Paguma larvata
    Masked Palm Civet or Himalayan Palm Civet
  • Paracynictis selousi
    Selous' Mongoose
  • Phoca groenlandica
    Harp Seal; * “Whitecoats” : Birth
   * “Ragged Jackets” : 2-4 weeks
   * “Beaters” : 4 weeks to 1 year
   * “Bedlamers” : 1 to 4 years
   * “Spotted Harp” : 4 to 7 years
   * “Dark Harp” : mature/adult


  • Phoca hispida
    Ringed Seal (Pusa hispida), also known as the Jar Seal and as Netsik or Nattiq by the Inuit. * Pusa hispida hispida: Arctic coasts of Europe, Russia, Canada and Alaska, including Novaya Zemlya, Spitsbergen, Greenland and Baffin Island.
   * Pusa hispida krascheninikovi: North Bering Sea
   * Pusa hispida ochotensis: Kamchatka, Okhotsk Sea and southward to 35°N, along the Japanese Pacific coast.
   * Pusa hispida botnica Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia and Gulf of Finland
   * Pusa hispida ladogensis (Ladoga Seal) Lake Ladoga
   * Pusa hispida saimensis (Saimaa Ringed Seal, saimaannorppa). Lives only in Lake Saimaa in Finland and is one of the most threatened seals in the world with total population around 250 individuals. The three last subspecies are isolated from the others, like the closely related Nerpa (Baikal Seal) and Caspian Seal.
  • Poecilogale albinucha
    African striped weasel
Poiana richardsoni
  • Prionodon pardicolor
    Spotted Linsang
Procyon gloveraleni
  • Procyon insularis
    Tres Marias Raccoon
  • Procyon maynardi
    Bahaman Raccoon
  • Procyon minor
    Guadeloupe Raccoon (Procyon minor) is an endangered species of raccoon which is found only in the French overseas department of Guadeloupe in the Lesser Antilles. Although some scientists disagree, P. minor is considered to be conspecific with P. lotor, the northern raccoon 1 LINK
  • Procyon pygmaeus
    Cozumel Raccoon (Procyon pygmaeus), also known as the Cozumel Raccoon Bear or Pygmy Raccoon; first described the Cozumel Raccoon as a distinct species from its mainland relative, Procyon lotor shufeldti (Common Raccoon subspecies 1 LINK
  • Pusa caspica
    Caspian seals 2 LINKS
  • Pusa sibirica
    Nerpa or Baikal Seal (Pusa sibirica) LINK
  • Rhynchogale melleri
    Meller's Mongoose
  • Spilogale gracilis
    Western Spotted Skunk 1 LINK
  • Spilogale putorius
    Eastern Spotted Skunk
  • Spilogale pygmaea
    Pygmy Spotted Skunk
  • Taxidea taxus
    American Badger is a North American Badger. In Mexico, this animal is sometimes called "tlacoyote". The Spanish word for badger is "tejón", but in Mexico this word is also used to describe coatis. 2 LINK .fi & JM
Urocyon cinereoargentus
  • Urocyon littoralis
    Island Fox (Urocyon littoralis) is a small fox that is native to six of the eight Channel Islands of California. It is the smallest fox species in the United States. There are six subspecies of the fox, each unique to the island it inhabits, reflecting its evolutionary history. Other names for the Island Fox include Coast Fox, Short-Tailed Fox, Island Gray Fox, Channel Islands Fox, Channel Islands Gray Fox, California Channel Island Fox and Insular Gray Fox. 2 LINKS
  • Viverricula indica
    Small Indian Civet (Viverricula indica), also called the Rasse 1 LINK

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  • Felis lybica
  • Lycalopex vetulus

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Carnivorae: Totae species

Acinonyx jubatus
Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Ailurus fulgens
Alopex lagopus
Amblonyx cinereus
Aonyx capensis
Aonyx congicus
Arctictis binturong
Arctocephalus australis
- Arctocephalus forsteri -
Arctocephalus galapagoensis
Arctocephalus gazella
Arctocephalus philippii
Arctocephalus pusillus
Arctocephalus townsendi
Arctocephalus tropicalis
Arctogalidia trivirgata
Arctonyx collaris
Atelocynus microtis
Atilax paludinosus
Bassaricyon alleni
Bassaricyon beddardi
Bassaricyon gabbi
Bassaricyon lasius
Bassaricyon pauli
Bassariscus astutus
Bassariscus sumichrasti
Bdeogale crassicauda
Bdeogale jacksoni
Bdeogale nigripes
Callorhinus ursinus
Canis adustus
Canis aureus
Canis hallstromi
Canis latrans
Canis lupus
Canis mesomelas
Canis rufus
Canis simensis
Caracal caracal
Catopuma badia
Catopuma temminckii
Cerdocyon thous
Chrotogale owstoni
Chrysocyon brachyurus
Civettictis civetta
Conepatus chinga
Conepatus humboldtii
Conepatus leuconotus
Conepatus mesoleucus
Conepatus semistriatus
Crocuta crocuta
Crossarchus alexandri
Crossarchus ansorgei
Crossarchus obscurus
Crossarchus platycephalus
Cryptoprocta ferox
Cuon alpinus
Cynictis penicillata
Cynogale bennettii
Cystophora cristata
Diplogale hosei
Dologale dybowskii
Eira barbara
Enhydra lutris
Erignathus barbatus
Eumetopias jubatus
Eupleres goudotii
Felis bieti
Felis catus
Felis chaus
Felis lybica
Felis manul
Felis margarita
Felis nigripes
Felis sylvestris
Fossa fossana
Galerella flavescens
Galerella pulverulenta
Galerella sanguinea
Galerella swalius
Galictis cuja
Galictis vittata
Galidia elegans
Galidictis fasciata
Galidictis grandidieri
Genetta abyssinica
Genetta angolensis
Genetta genetta
Genetta johnstoni
Genetta maculata
Genetta servalina
Genetta thierryi
Genetta tigrina
Genetta victoriae
Gulo gulo
Halichoerus grypus
Helarctos malayanus
Helogale hirtula
Helogale parvula
Hemigalus derbyanus
Herpailurus yaguarondi
Herpestes brachyurus
Herpestes edwardsii
Herpestes fuscus
Herpestes ichneumon
Herpestes javanicus
Herpestes naso
Herpestes palustris
- Herpestes semitoquartos -
Herpestes smithii
Herpestes urva
Herpestes vitticollis
Histriophoca fasciata
Hyaena brunnea
Hyaena hyaena
Hydrurga leptonyx
Ichneumia albicauda
Ictonyx libyca
Ictonyx striatus
Leopardus pardalis
Leopardus tigrinus
Leopardus wiedii
Leptailurus serval
Leptonychotes weddellii
Liberiictis kuhni
Lobodon carcinophagus
Lontra canadensis
Lontra felina
Lontra longicaudis
Lontra provocax
Lutra lutra
Lutra maculicollis
Lutra sumatrana
Lutrogale perspicillata
Lycalopex vetulus
Lycaon pictus
Lyncodon patagonicus
Lynx canadensis
Lynx lynx
Lynx pardinus
Lynx rufus
Macrogalidia musschenbroekii
Martes americana
Martes flavigula
Martes foina
Martes gwatkinsii
Martes martes
Martes melampus
Martes pennanti
Martes zibellina
Meles meles
Mellivora capensis
Melogale everetti
Melogale moschata
Melogale orientalis
Melogale personata
Melursus ursinus
Mephitis macroura
Mephitis mephitis
Mirounga angustirostris
Mirounga leonina
Monachus monachus
Monachus schauinslandi
) -
Mungos gambianus
Mungos mungo
Mungotictis decemlineata
Mustela africana
Mustela altaica
Mustela erminea
Mustela eversmannii
Mustela felipei
Mustela frenata
Mustela kathiah
Mustela lutreola
- Mustela lutrolina -
Mustela nigripes
Mustela nivalis
Mustela nudipes
Mustela putorius
Mustela sibirica
Mustela strigidorsa
Mustela vison
- Mydeus javanensis - Mydeus marchei -
Nandinia binotata
Nasua narica
Nasua nasua
Nasua nelsoni
- Nasuella olivacea -
Neofelis diardi
Neofelis nebulosa
Neophoca cinerea
Nyctereutes procyonoides
Odobenus rosmarus
Ommatophoca rossii
Oncifelis colocolo
Oncifelis geoffroyi
Oncifelis guigna
Oreailurus jacobita
Otaria flavescens
Otocolobus manul
Otocyon megalotis
Pagophilus groenlandicus
Paguma larvata
Panthera leo
Panthera onca
Panthera pardus
- Panthera sumatrae -
Panthera tigris
Paracynictis selousi
Paradoxurus hermaphroditus
Paradoxurus jerdoni
Paradoxurus zeylonensis
Pardofelis marmorata
Phoca caspica
Phoca groenlandica
Phoca hispida
Phoca largha
Phoca sibirica
Phoca vitulina
Phocarctos hookeri
Poecilogale albinucha
- Poiana richardsoni -
Potos flavus
Prionailurus bengalensis
Prionailurus planiceps
Prionailurus rubiginosus
Prionailurus viverrinus
Prionodon linsang
Prionodon pardicolor
Procyon cancrivorus
- Procyon gloveraleni -
Procyon insularis
Procyon lotor
Procyon maynardi
Procyon minor
Procyon pygmaeus
Profelis aurata
Proteles cristata
Pseudalopex culpaeus
Pseudalopex fulvipes
Pseudalopex griseus
Pseudalopex gymnocercus
Pseudalopex sechurae
Pseudalopex vetulus
Pteronura brasiliensis
Puma concolor
Pusa caspica
Pusa hispida
Pusa sibirica
Rhynchogale melleri
Salanoia concolor
Speothos venaticus
Spilogale gracilis
Spilogale putorius
Spilogale pygmaea
Suricata suricatta
Taxidea taxus
Tremarctos ornatus
Uncia uncia
- Urocyon cinereoargentus -
Urocyon littoralis
Ursus americanus
Ursus arctos
Ursus maritimus
Ursus thibetanus
Viverra civettina
Viverra megaspila
Viverra tangalunga
Viverra zibetha
Viverricula indica
Vormela peregusna
Vulpes bengalensis
Vulpes cana
Vulpes chama
Vulpes corsac
Vulpes ferrilata
Vulpes macrotis
Vulpes pallida
Vulpes rueppellii
Vulpes velox
Vulpes vulpes
Vulpes zerda
Zalophus californianus