
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

"Everybody in the kingdom of France loves Charlemagne and the books of his deeds..."[1]

  • Reinhart, A. Kevin (1997). "al-Ṣuʿlūkī". In .
  • Durán Gudiol, Antonio (1975). De la marca superior de Al-Andalus al reino de Aragón, Sobrarbe y Ribagorza. Huesca: Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Zaragoza, Aragón y Rioja.
  • Durán Gudiol, Antonio (1988). Los condados de Aragón y Sobrarbe. Zaragoza: Guara.

Beumann, H. (1973). Regnum Teutonicum und rex Teutonicorum in ottonischer und salischer Zeit. Bemerkungen zu einem Buch von Eckhard Müller-Mertens. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 55(1), pp. 215-223. Retrieved 5 Apr. 2017, from doi:10.7788/akg.1973.55.1.215


The Ordene de chevalerie ("Order of Chivalry") is an anonymous

written around 1220. The Ordene is found, either complete or fragmentary, in ten medieval manuscripts. One manuscript contains both the complete poem and a complete prose version.

  • Busby, Keith, ed. (1983). Le Roman des eles by Raoul de Hodenc and L'Ordene de chevalerie. Utrech Publications in General and Comparative Literature. Vol. 17. John Benjamins B.V.



  1. ^ Rachetta 2020, p. 252.