
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

What makes MYBYK different from other bicycle sharing/rental programs? “MYBYK is the only program in the world where the users have the option to keep the bike with them for as long as they want (for as long as they have a valid subscription)”, says Arjit. The program is simple, wherein the user needs to

conventional bike share systems, MYBYK does not charge its members on pay-as-you-go basis. Members can use MYBYK to commute from their ‘Origin’ to ‘Destination’ or they can drop the bicycle at the nearest point of any at the MYBYK station,public transport terminal and pick another bicycle from the point close to their destination.There are yearly, half yearly and quarterly subscription plans that charge INR 1800, 1000 and 600 respectively. All maintenance cost is covered by the subscription plans including insurance. If the rider comes across any problems, he/she can drop the bike at nearest station
and replace it with another one. Currently in the introduction phase, MYBYK offers facilities for members to drop the bicycle at one station and pick up from any of the four at BRTS station namely, Shivranjani, Andhajan Mandal, Memnagar and Sola and which will soon expand to five more terminals namely Thakkarbapa Nagar, Soni Ni Chawl, CTM, Jashodanagar & Isanpur. In seven months since its launch, MYBYK boasts of 600 active members in the city. Though the users belong to different age groups, data
indicate that majority of the (50 per cent) active member belong to the age group of 25-35. MYBYK in 2015 “MYBYK is planning to expand this program by adding five new terminals in eastern
GPS and GSM system. This kit is a vehicle tracking anti-theft device which will ensure safety of bikes. Here the user will be asked to download an app
on their smart-phone. Once this app is installed in the phone, the team will

receive the notification about the location of the bike which will help resolve issues related to bicycle theft