
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Uvalino is a red

Piedmontese dialect was used to denote wine grapes that were primarily minor blending varieties.[1]

In recent years, the high levels of the


Uvalino has been historically associated with the province of Asti, particularly around the commune of Nizza Monferrato.

The first documented account of Uvalino was of the grape variety growing in the communes of

Neretto di Marengo.[1]

Uvalino, itself, was on the verge of extinction until the late 20th century when winemaker


Uvalino is a

phenolics flavors.[1]

Wine regions

Vineyards in the Asti region of Piedmont where Uvalino is almost exclusively grown.

Being only added to the official registry of Italian grape varieties in 2002, there is not yet an official census count of how many plantings of Uvalino there are in Italy. However, ampelographers believe that the grape is almost exclusively grown in the Piedmont region.[1]


According to

aromas of sweet spices and red fruits.[1]


Over the years, Uvalino has been known under a variety of synonyms including: Cunaiola (in Canavese), Freisone (in Tortona), Lambrusca (in Roero) and Lambruschino (in Roero).[1] However, the Vitis International Variety Catalogue (VIVC) currently does not recognize any official synonyms for Uvalino but does note that Uvalino is used as synonym for the Italian wine grape Pistolino and Uvalino nero is a synonym for Croatina.[3][4][5]


  1. ^
  2. ^ S. Suriano, P Tamborra, M Savino, L Tarricone Nero di Troia, Susumaniello and Uvalino: Italian Autochthonous Wine Grape Varieties with High Content of Stilbenic and Flavinoid Compounds CRA - Unita di Ricerca per l'uva da Tavola e la Vitivinicoltura in ambiente Mediterraneo - Cantina Sperimentale di Barletta, 76121 Barletta, Italy
  3. ^ Vitis International Variety Catalogue (VIVC) Uvalino Accessed: April 14th, 2014
  4. ^ Vitis International Variety Catalogue (VIVC) Pistolino Accessed: April 14th, 2014
  5. ^ Vitis International Variety Catalogue (VIVC) Croatina Accessed: April 14th, 2014