Vukašin of Serbia

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Vukašin Mrnjavčević
Вукашин Мрњавчевић
Serbian Orthodox
Domain of Vukašin and Uglješa Mrnjavčević (in 1360).
Domain of King Vukašin Mrnjavčević and Despot Jovan Uglješa (in 1371).
Marko's Monastery was founded by Vukašin Mrnjavčević and Prince Marko

Vukašin Mrnjavčević (

Jovan Uglješa

In folk tradition, Vukašin is referred to as a usurper and, wrongly, the murderer of

Tsar Uroš. He was often considered de facto ruler of Serbian Empire
during the reign of Uroš.


According to 17th-century

Marko.[5] The Ugarčić clan is attested in contemporary sources as inhabiting the region of Trebinje.[7]

After Serbia had expanded southwards into Macedonia, the local feudal lords—Greeks—were replaced with Serbs, many of whom were from Zachlumia and Travunia.

Ser. Later he became strong enough to disobey Uroš. By 1369, as Uroš was childless, Vukašin designated his eldest son Prince Marko as heir to the throne, with the title of "young king".[10]

In 1370 he contributed to the monasteries of

Lala Şâhin Paşa at the Battle of Maritsa on 26 September 1371 where superior Ottoman tactics won over, outnumbering the coalition army.[12] The Ottomans attacked the Serbian Army while they rested and Vukašin's forces were routed and himself killed during the battle.[11]


With his wife

Old Cyrillic
: Алѣна), Vukašin had at least five children:

In popular culture

Brian Aldiss - published an alternative-history fantasy story "The Day Of The Doomed King" about King Vukašin.

See also


  1. ^ Ćirković 2004, pp. 77–79.
  2. ^
  3. Orbin, Mavro
    (1968). "Наставак већ поменуте историје краљева Далмације" (in Serbian). Miroslav Pantić, Radovan Samardžić, Franjo Barišić, Sima M. Ćirković. eds. Краљевство Словена [The Realm of the Slavs]. trans. Zdravko Šundrica. Belgrade: Srpska književna zadruga.
  4. ^
    Jireček, Konstantin Josef
    (1952). "Чиновници у жупама: сатник, казнац camerarius, доцније прахтор порезник" (in Serbian). Политичка историја: до 1537. године. Историја Срба [History of the Serbs]. 1. trans. Jovan Radonjić. Belgrade: Naučna knjiga.
  5. ^ a b Miklosich, Franz (1858). Monumenta serbica spectantia historiam Serbiae Bosnae Ragusii (in Serbian and Latin). Vienna: apud Guilelmum Braumüller. pp. 56, 180, 181.
  6. ^ a b c Fine 1994, pp. 362–364.
  7. ^
    Jireček, Konstantin Josef
    (1952). "Насеља, земљорадња и занати" (in Serbian). Политичка историја: до 1537. године. Историја Срба [History of the Serbs]. 1. trans. Jovan Radonjić. Belgrade: Naučna knjiga.
  8. .
  9. Serbian Royal Academy
    . p. 37.
  10. ^ Sedlar 1994, pp. 31.
  11. ^ a b Ćirković 2004, pp. 79.
  12. ^ Ostrogorsky 1956, pp. 481.
  13. ^ Istorijski zapisi: organ Istoriskog instituta i Društva istoričara SR Crne Gore. Istorijski institut u Titogradu. 2000. p. 49. Retrieved 29 January 2013. Иза Оливере остала је кћерка Јелисанта, која је имала унуку Јелену, уда- ту за Рајка Монету, властелина Балше III. После смрти господара Рајко је ступио у млетачку службу и добио проније


Vukašin of Serbia
House of Mrnjavčević
Born: c. 1320 Died: 26 September 1371
Regnal titles
Preceded by
King of Serbia
with Stefan Uroš V
Succeeded by