Waste World: Roleplaying in a Savage Future

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Waste World: Roleplaying in a Savage Future is a role-playing game published by Manticore Productions Limited in 1997.


Waste World is a post-apocalyptic science fiction role-playing game where the remaining humans struggle to survive.[1][2]



  1. ^ "Waste World: Roleplaying in a Savage Future".
  2. ^ "Waste World - RPGnet RPG Game Index".
  3. ^ "Envoyer - Waste World".
  4. ^ "Backstab Magazine (French) Issue 04".
  5. ^ "News aus der Szene (International) | Article | RPGGeek".
  6. ^ https://archive.org/details/casus-belli-106/page/n15/mode/2up