Wikipedia:Naming conventions (ambiguous adjectives)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Talk:Bounded, wherever it ends up); official naming convention discussion should probably be here. -- Toby Bartels
08:32, 2005 Mar 7 (UTC)

Shouldn't this discussion just be at Wikipedia talk:Naming conventions (adjectives)? That's the policy it's being proposed to change, after all. Alai 22:15, 10 Mar 2005 (UTC)
In the past, people have created discussion pages for proposed policies (including naming conventions) to discuss them, then created the policy page afterwards; an example is Wikipedia talk:Naming conventions (theorems). Maybe we no longer do that, but instead discuss changes on the most relevant existing page? If you want to move this stuff over there, I won't object! -- Toby Bartels 00:06, 2005 Mar 13 (UTC)
If you specifically want to create a separate policy, then yes. But it seems a lot more logical to simply amend the existing 'adjectives' policy, since it's in effect simply an exception to it, as I understand it. Alai 00:10, 13 Mar 2005 (UTC)